Good or Bad????

i only accept friend requests from people who have pictures of them selves in a bathroom mirror, taken with a cell phone of course... because that's what myspace is all about.
I like it to keep in touch with friends. I don't mind meeting new people through it. I just don't want to add every single person that wants to add me because they just want to add their number of friends up to 103984. Same with the bands. I'll take a listen, but if I don't like the music, then I don't see why I should add them, unless they are my friends' band or something like that.

I also hate the trendy side of myspace. I hate seeing a lot those myspace profiles with party pictures...that's all it is, party pictures! Do you do anything else other than party? lol I'm serious, go search for 18-24 year old girls around your town, and see how many girls post just party pictures...gotta have that beer in your hand and have 5 other friends around you with a beer in their hand, and have 10 of those same pictures in different locations.