Sooo, Valentine's day... good or bad for you?

Mr Toast

Aug 1, 2002
First off, I am always happy for those who have loved ones to share Valentine's day with, and am glad this is a happy time for them.

Myself, though, I think I have had maybe two Valentine's Days that were positive. Otherwise I have always been unattached around that time, which usually makes February a blahzee month for me (for this and other reasons).

This February is no exception, and the one I had been loosely chasing recently has hooked up with someone else. So my track record is 0-24 by my reckoning... my life has some really great soap opera material! I've been told more than once I should write for a soap or something...

I thought about doing some violent artwork or something to blow the stress, but ended up working on another personal project to recenter myself. But the week is young... maybe I'll just go ahead and chase that young gal who's had her eye on me (who's about half my age... yes she is over 18), but only if she likes hard rock!

What I really want to know is how everyone else is making out this week!!! Good :Saint:, bad :Shedevil:, ugly :zombie:, feel free to share!
due to the number of women on this site, my thoughts of that stupid day will remain to myself. this year will be okay because me and my buddies are goin out gettin drunk at the Nile/SYL/Dark Traquillity/Napalm Death:yuk:/Berserker:yuk: show. nothin like beer and blast beats and cookie monster metal to make you forget about the lack of a girlfriend and the holiday that reminds you of the fact that your alone.
The number of women on this site? That's never kept me from holding back. Let's go into this head first!

Personally, I could care less about this holiday. I'll start with the origins. I think Saint Valentine got what he deserved for defying the Roman Emperor. (If I remember my history correctly, he was put to death for secretly conducting marriage ceremonies for the members of the Roman Army, despite the direct order from the Emperor that all members of the army were to remain single.) Of course, I feel that way about all religious authority types. Maybe it's just a flaw in my programming. :flame:

Also, living in California (and, even worse, Orange County), I get to see the worst behavior coming out from a lot of the women I see around me. As I found out last night while discussing this with a female friend of mine, I'm not the only one who feels this way. Growing up in Irvine certainly didn't help, either.

I'm sure that the florists, jewelers and candy makers are glad about the sales boost for this day, but I have only one thing to say about it...

IT'S CRAP!!! :ill: I'll be doing my laundry, like every Valentine's Day.
I'm in the same boat as Toast as far as not ever finding myself attached that time of year. Oh well. It's not really a holiday is it? I mean I always seem to remember working that day. I can relate to Smylex's frustration with the OC women's behavior. I don't know why that is. Is the whole batch spoiled? I can usually spot the transplants. "Hey you're cool, you're not from around here are you?" I'm was born in LA but from 10 on up spent the bitter or better part of my childhood in Irvine. Totally not relating to the other kids. Their parents all got them cars at 16. My dad told me when I was like 12 to start saving if I wanted a car, which looking back, I am grateful for. Anyway, a cool thing about finding The Iron Maidens was that not only do they play Maiden flawlessly, THEY ACTUALLY LIKE MAIDEN! I didn't know any girls growing up in Irvine who even liked Maiden.
Originally posted by smylex
The number of women on this site? That's never kept me from holding back. Let's go into this head first!

the words to express my hatred toward this "holiday" just shouldn't be heard by the members of the fairer sex. im just tryin to be respectful. i dont wanna get banned from the board.
I think that all the negative energy that all those happy couples don't have to deal with this week just remanifests itself in other people's lives, making them utterly miserable!

Yes, this week has been a perpetual negative vibe for me! I am very much looking forward to the end of this week! Somehow, the lack of a love interest thing pales in comparison to the issues I am now faced with...

End of work week soon. End of work week good! (Mr Toast thinks happy thoughts...)

Oh, and not that anyone here can help, but I am currently shopping around for a new place to work (not without a job yet, but the time has come to transition)...
Glad to see I'm loved by someone. By the way, thanks for the photo! It sure lifted my...spirits (yeah, that's it)! :flame:
Originally posted by Doodoobubbachuck
Hey all, now remember, Valentine's Day is a celebration of love, and everybody on these boards are loved by us Maidens! Awwwww. :blush: Happy Valentine's Day all! Up the Lovely Irons!

And what Lovely Irons they are!

And in the interest of warm fuzziness...


I usually save that one for birthdays, but what the heck!
Now that it's February 14th, I can now say this.

FUCK VALENTINE'S DAY! :p Valentine got what he deserved and if he were around today, we'd kill him again!
As I mentioned on another thread, I'm looking for a new job, and will move if I have to. San Diego is my first choice, I love that city. As a result, I'm kinda keeping myself out of touch with humanity. I don't wanna make new friends, platonic or otherwise, only to say goodbye. That would suck worse than being alone. Been there, don't wanna do that again.

That being said, I really don't like holidays that tack on some sense of obligation, and somehow, the other 364 days of the year are exempt from it. Once tomorrow comes, does that mean people can go back to semi-paying attention to their partner? This just rubs me the wrong way. Same goes with Christmas. One day a year people are decent to everyone. Then 12/26 comes and we can all return to treating each other like shit.

I'm spending the weekend working my way through my Netflix backlog. I am so far behind on movies it's ridiculous. Put it this way: Training Day is up next.

If you wanna be seriously creeped out, rent 'Session Nine.' Borrows a lot from The Shining but it's still really, really good, and quite disturbing.