So, uhh Nevermore, is that hardcore or something?

At least once a week someone tries and fails to read my Woods of Ypres t-shirt, which then leads to me having to explain myself to people. This is a major pain in the ass, and is the primary reason I don't buy metal t-shirts.
Lord Foul said:
At least once a week someone tries and fails to read my Woods of Ypres t-shirt, which then leads to me having to explain myself to people. This is a major pain in the ass, and is the primary reason I don't buy metal t-shirts.

See, everyone can pronounce American Eagle. Just sometimes you have to explain why you bought new pants with holes in them :lol:
Hahaha, I have just been reminded of this one time when I was pumping gas for a job in high school, I was wearing an Opeth shirt. Some guy asked me, "Is that an Oprah shirt?"
A Trace Of Blood said:
Hahaha, I have just been reminded of this one time when I was pumping gas for a job in high school, I was wearing an Opeth shirt. Some guy asked me, "Is that an Oprah shirt?"
Heh, heh.

Mind, the reverse also occurs: you meet someone in a bar wearing a metal tee, and when you talk to them about it, it turns out the only "metal" they know is Korn and Cradle - "but they're awesome man!"