Andy to mix new Nevermore... band enters studio to record in August... woot!

I loved Warrel since "serpent's knight".
Sanctuary was even better.
Nevermore is the best band ever.
you don't like Warrels vox? GROW UP!

+ 10^30

The evolution from old times to new times have been amazing. Adapting to every new environment

Serpent's Knight

Sanctuary - Future Tense (one of my fav songs when I was a teen)
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I'm in the anti-Dane camp...

To my mind, Nevermore are quite a 'grown-up' band - you know there's some thought and depth to their music - but then they stuck this guy out front who makes the whole thing really camp and silly.

The problem isn't even his voice as such - he can hold a tune, whether you like his tone or not you can't really argue with that - it's the way he uses it. He over-emotes, and he's got that weird inflection and warbling vibrato going on too, which makes me think of a bad Vincent Price impersonator trying out for a role in 'Phantom of the Opera'.

His lyrics read like sixth-form poetry too. He's like the creepy guy at school who wore a cloak and spent all his time sat in the corner scribbling in his notepad because he thought it would get him laid.

As for what Jevil said about the frontman thing - I actually think Nevermore are an exception to the rule. Everyone I know can tell you who Jeff Loomis is, but half of them wouldn't have a clue who Warrel Dane is.

Everyone I know can tell you who Jeff Loomis is, but half of them wouldn't have a clue who Warrel Dane is.

It could be. But I'm sure many of that people when they listen to Warrel would say "that's the guy from Nevermore". I mean he has a particular coice and singing.
Call it charisma, personality or whatever...

And talking about over-emote, there is a band, beloved in this forum which singer sometimes hyper-emotes, I'm talking about In Flames... I'd like to punch his face in those melanchoholic moments.
"Ever-emote" is exactly the word that comes to my mind when i hear Darrel's voice. This guy has a unique style/voice, but he's just overusing his gimmick to a point where it gets annoying IMO (but then again i hate opera singing and this kind of stuff so... :) ).

Though i definitely agree he has quite a unique style and he's no run of the mill metal singer.
Guys guys, come on - I and others can say what we like about disliking Dane's voice and style, but what is this nonsense of "if we don't like it we have to grow up"? Where is the logic in that? And no, I don't only like "cookie monster vocals", I love great singers in metal, but the thing is pretty much all of them are tenors, because I feel baritones are just wretchedly melodramatic (the only exception IMO being the aforementioned ever-awesome Matt Barlow). It's one thing to disagree, but don't try to reduce the people with an opposite argument to caricatures, that's just ignorant ;)

Identifiable singers with voices I love: Roy Khan, Matt Barlow, Tony Kakko, Steve Perry (hehehe), the list goes on
. It's one thing to disagree, but don't try to reduce the people with an opposite argument to caricatures, that's just ignorant ;)



Ignorance is metal.
So is Warrel.

_ I figured my 3000th post should be pointless. ;)
Love the whole Nevermore package and I am so pumped to hear the new record! I would be worried if Andy wasn't involved, but this is looking good.
Guys guys, come on - I and others can say what we like about disliking Dane's voice and style, but what is this nonsense of "if we don't like it we have to grow up"? Where is the logic in that? And no, I don't only like "cookie monster vocals", I love great singers in metal, but the thing is pretty much all of them are tenors, because I feel baritones are just wretchedly melodramatic (the only exception IMO being the aforementioned ever-awesome Matt Barlow). It's one thing to disagree, but don't try to reduce the people with an opposite argument to caricatures, that's just ignorant ;)

Identifiable singers with voices I love: Roy Khan, Matt Barlow, Tony Kakko, Steve Perry (hehehe), the list goes on

Barlow's the only voice on that list I like.

But I like baritone and bass voices better than tenors, metal tenors at least. And I like Warrel Dane's voice- melodrama and all. But I'm a silly goth, really, and that's where he gets it from. (See: Peter Murphy, Andrew Eldritch)
Nevermore is the best metal band. And Warrell is the best singer going. Just like Loomis is the best guitarist going. Want proof, go listen to the shitload of nevermore covers out there, they suck the balls of a thousand thai ladyboys!
I thought the topic was about Nevermore's upcoming release. Or about Andy mixing it. I've seen this discussion over and over and it never leads anywhere. Some people love Warrel's voice, some hate, some simply don't care, just like everything in this world. What a boring statement... :Smug: :Puke:
A bit off-thread but i'm listening to "Believe in nothing" (Dead heart in a dead world album) right now and i friggin' love that song !

And the solo that kicks in at 2:51 makes me wanna cry and shit :) So beautiful & sad at the same time. No useless wankery, this thing just adds an extra dimension to that song, which is what a guitar solo should be all about.
I've got a huge boner for this. Can't wait to hear some new slammin' riffs from Loomis, definitely one of my favorite metal guitarists of the 00s.
I recently played some Nevermore for a co-worker (who doesn't listen to anything heavy) and he said he thought WD sounded just like Jack Black. That kind of ruins it for me a little bit.
Fuck that. Jack Black sounds like he's trying to imitate everything, so therefore it's easily justifiable that JB is (occasionally) ripping off WD...even if it is unintentional. I can't stand Jack Black or everyone who really thinks he's the gift to the comedy world.