Andy to mix new Nevermore... band enters studio to record in August... woot!

Fuck that. Jack Black sounds like he's trying to imitate everything, so therefore it's easily justifiable that JB is (occasionally) ripping off WD...even if it is unintentional. I can't stand Jack Black or everyone who really thinks he's the gift to the comedy world.

I agree with you... it just sucks that people unfamiliar with heavy music think this way.
I have tried to associate, for the sake of people who don't know, by saying NM is like a heavier a way. Then people usually are like "Oh...Ok!" and are open to it. Thats not exactly on the mark, but then it opens a door for people who havn't heard em before.
Damn...Loomis switches amp setups more than underwear, it seems. Some unknown solid state rig to Mesa to POD to Krank to Engl to Axe-FX...
Well, he's still noted as an Engl user. Will be interesting to hear/see what he'll use at upcoming shows.

Maybe our own Aaron Smith could give us some insight? ;)
Well, he's still noted as an Engl user. Will be interesting to hear/see what he'll use at upcoming shows.

Maybe our own Aaron Smith could give us some insight? ;)

Jeff is all about the Engl for live purposes, thus far the AxeFX has only been used for his preproduction/songwriting stuff...although I do know that the guest solo he did on the Switchblade album "Invictus Infinitum" was an AxeFX tone dialed in by he and Neil Kernon.
Back in 96 when I bought politics of exctasy I hated more the music than the vocals, Warrel's volcas were just amazing, it was just politics a difficult album to listen to.
Warrel is God period ;)
Anyway I understand why people don't like him, sometimes he goes out of tune intentionally (for doing the "psycho") and yes has a strange vibrato.
Jeff is all about the Engl for live purposes, thus far the AxeFX has only been used for his preproduction/songwriting stuff...although I do know that the guest solo he did on the Switchblade album "Invictus Infinitum" was an AxeFX tone dialed in by he and Neil Kernon.

Oh thanks Aaron! That's what I would have guessed.

Haven't heard that Switchblade track yet...
Jeff is all about the Engl for live purposes, thus far the AxeFX has only been used for his preproduction/songwriting stuff...although I do know that the guest solo he did on the Switchblade album "Invictus Infinitum" was an AxeFX tone dialed in by he and Neil Kernon.

Thank Christ....Loomis, 8 string and Axe-Fx....this sentence should not happen - period
Thats one badass combo of awesomeness. The only thing that would make it more awesome would be if they didnt let Warrel Dane sing on the album! =D


I think he sounds like Ethyl Merman.
You'll be swell! You'll be great! Gonna have the whole world on the plate! Starting here, starting now, honey, everything's coming up roses!

Just kidding guys! :) His voice has never stopped me from listening to Nevermore over and over again, but I do have a great chuckle every time I hear the vocals and lyrics for Inside Four Walls. At the same time, I don't think I could listen to Nevermore without him. Its a guilty pleasure, I just make sure I turn my stereo down in my car if someone pulls up to me in traffic and I'm playing them. I don't want them to get the wrong idea.