so in our new yard there is something that looks like

ok, pics.


Those are awesome, fuzzy with moss and all.

If I were you I'd sharpen a few sticks, keep plenty of fire handy and dust off my spade... Which reminds me, I'd rather be at home playing Resident Evil 4 than here...

No but seriously, I'd leave it be. Some questions are best left unanswered. And the whole mystique of it is just too cool. You'll always have something to talk about with people you invite over that you really have nothing in common with.
I'm thinking, just take its head for insurance purposes, I mean, an uprising of the undead could be stemmed simply removing this guys head and then, viola, no Zombie fears until at least you see it on the news.
Wow chupe that is so awesome. I think if you put various seasonal holiday decorations on it it'll keep whatever lurks inside.
Update: tombstone dismantled. it creeped out the wife. she said any time she'd take the dogs out at night, the moonlight would reflect off it, and any time the dogs would act weird, all she could see was the stones. she loves horror flicks, so those may have played a part in her imaginative frame of mind.

on a completely different note, we found a ton of scrap wood by the creek, and i built two extremely heavy benches this weekend.