so in our new yard there is something that looks like


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Oct 7, 2003
Where you live
a makeshift tombstone? it's in the part of the yard that's by the creek, at the foot of some tall trees and is basically two stones with one as a base and one set upright. gah, should've had pictures. i'll take some and try and get one uploaded tomorrow.
we thought it could be a pet grave, which will no doubt come to life and crawl out of the ground every full moon.

also, we have these outside lights that light up the trees from underneath adn make them look like the blair witch trees.
also^2, i planted a piece of sprouting garlic to see if it would grow. which i'm sure it won't, but still.
ok, here's a pic i already had online that you can barely see it in.
Nice deck. But I'd say that the only way to tell if it really is a grave is to dig it up. And then if it actually were a grave, you'd probably feel kind of weird about disturbing some long-dead pet's final resting place. It's situations like this that just go to show that all graves should be properly marked with words and everything to avoid confusion.
why don't you ask the real estate agent what it is? that is unless there are no previous inhabitants left LIVING for the agent to ask about it, then that's a sign to not move there.
Dig it up what's the worst that could happen? Maybe wake the living dead or invoke the curse of a poltergeist? I say no problem, we have plenty of documentaries on both of those matters. Just be happy that is part of the reason you got the house for the price you got it for.
hmmm the fact that it's there is really charming... i would say don't dig it up, because there's probably no chance it's a human/fetus/whatever, which means it's probably a pet grave which is just really CUTE and SWEET.