Good tubescreamer sim plug-ins for Mac?

Rex Rocker

Call me Hugo!
Dec 21, 2007
Just curious on what you guys recommend as far as TS-type so for Mac. I'm using POD Farm right now to boost LeCto, but I don't really like how it's soooo wah-wah kinda sounding.

Which ones do you guys recommend?

I was just going to ask something similar. I'm wondering if using the actual pedal directly after your guitar in the signal chain would be just as good?
Sounds like a good A/B test. Most of the time when I am reamping I will usually prefer the PODfarm TS on the output over my TS9 pedal, it sounds tighter to me. Neither one, to me, really sounds "better" than the other though, just different flavors - otherwise, the PODfarm model has the convenience of being a plug-in, of course.
PODfarm is the only one I know of. Try the tone knob at 38%, gain at 65% and drive at 17%, I don't really get a wah sound into LeCto with it set that way.
Sounds sick! Thanks! Gonna try those settings... Which impulse did you use with this BTW?

I'm running it Drive 0%, Gain 80%, Tone 50% right now and I was able to kinda dial the wah-wah sound out, but I have a HUGE dip at 700Hz on my guitars and I think they'd sound better without so much EQ.

This is me right now, no bass:
I believe on that clip it's PODfarm's cab sim using Treadplate 4x12 with condensor mic (0% room).

As for your clip, I dunno man that sounds alright really, not sure what you are going for though. I would say put some bass guitar on it before you change anything else, you may be surprised :)
Sounds like a good A/B test. Most of the time when I am reamping I will usually prefer the PODfarm TS on the output over my TS9 pedal, it sounds tighter to me. Neither one, to me, really sounds "better" than the other though, just different flavors - otherwise, the PODfarm model has the convenience of being a plug-in, of course.

Why in gods name had I never thought of this with my 5150....god dammit!

You legend, I'm going to try this,

Thank you :)