Good vigilante/vengeance movies


Mar 21, 2010
New York
Right, so I've been on a Netflix binge the past couple of weeks, mostly indulging in cheesy 80s/90s action movies, many of which have starred Steven Seagal :lol: And my appetite is thoroughly whetted I must say; while I love and respect movies where the villains are fleshed-out and almost sympathetic, and good and bad are shades of gray, I also love indulging in schlock-flicks free of moral ambiguity, where a seemigly invincible, totally badass dude beats the ever-loving shit out of a bunch of lowlife scumbags, and, for example, completely dominates the bad guy in a climactic showdown, slams a corkscrew into his forehead, and shoots him like 5 times (name that movie :D)

So yeah, hit me with some recommendations, I love this crap :lol: (and for some examples of the types of movies I'm looking for that I've already seen, there's all the Die Hards and Lethal Weapons, pretty much every Arnold movie, The Last Boy Scout, etc.)
corkscrew in the forehead of a fat William Forsythe ... "Out For Justice" ;)

other revenge flicks, hmmmmm

any of the Death Wish movies maybe? If you're very observant you may even spot a young Laurence Fishburne in one of them
I like the old school vigilante films, like Walking Tall, Deathwish, Dirty Harry, Mad Max, Falling Down, etc.

Seen Law Abiding Citizen yet?(Edit- guess I took too long to post lol)
Thanks for the recs so far guys, I've been meaning to see the Death Wish and Dirty Harry movies, so thanks for the reminder (and I'll check out Taken, I think it's on Netflix streaming, which is double the awesome)

And Carlos, well-done - I think you'll get a kick out of this quote from a review of OFJ that cracked me up :D

Soft-spoken Gino Felino (Seagal) remains above the law even as he goes inside it as a street-bred detective who can't quite decide between sheriff honor and outlaw justice. When his partner is gunned down in front of his family by a crack-crazed capo, Gino gets mad. Characters played by Steven Seagal always get mad, and of course they eventually get even, which is why he gets to keep making films.

Matters are complicated because the gunman (William Forsythe), who has surrounded himself with a gang of bloodthirsty B-actors, is also being hunted by the well-dressed Central Casting Family to which he has suddenly become a great embarrassment. In this neighborhood the only activities seem to be swearing, fighting, killing and, in Gino's case, talking.

Does Gino talk too much, or what? This is apparently to show that yet another thick-skinned Seagal character has a sensitive side (he even adopts an abandoned puppy, though he leaves it in the car for the entire movie). While there's plenty of action -- rumbles take place in a butcher shop (lots of cleaverage), a pool bar (sticks really do break bones) and a hooker's home -- things slow to a crawl every time Seagal slips into a weepy recollection of the old days in (you guessed it) the neighborhood. His feral eyes cloud up and his voice softly gurgles with the pain of it all. This may be Seagal's attempt at martial artiness, or simply his best Brando imitation; mostly it's hilarious, as is Seagal's wardrobe (he looks as if he should be policing the runways in Milan).
^ fan-fucking-tastic!:lol:

but I don't care, I'm a Seagal junkie too .. at least, the early movies

and yeah man, if you haven't seen "Taken" yet, DO SO IMMEDIATELY

Badass flick is BADASS

Charles Bronson is your new god. Kinjite is great too.

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Marcus if you like that screwdriver through something thingy you may want to watch the remake of "The Last house on the Left". Skip the movie and only watch the last 5 mins though, if you don't want something heavy to watch, there's some pretty unpleasant stuff going on in the middle of the it (Law Abiding Citizen is nothing to it, compared in terms of derpessiveness).
Still the ending feels great if you're into that kind of revenge stuff.

any of the Death Wish movies maybe? If you're very observant you may even spot a young Laurence Fishburne in one of them

also a young jeff goldblum if I remember correctly :D
Death wish is series is sooooooo good and seems to be exactly what you're after haha
although not that much action going on, it's still awesome.

Seems I'll have to watch Taken too

Crank 1 and 2 is just crazy...not that much revenge stuff going on though imo
I mean yeah, they stole his strawberry pie, but other then that there's not much to avenge :lol:
and to add to Marco's idea of "Last House..." remake

remake of "I Spit On Your Grave"

fucking BRUTAL ... the wife and I were totally loving the end thats for sure

avoid if you have a problem with seeing graphic rape scenes


Nude Nuns with Big Guns (haven't seen that one yet, but as B-movie junkie, I'm pretty sure it'll kick ass..)

Every Steven Seagal movie (even the one with the "vampires")

Krank 1-2

70's Horror/Slasher/whatever film (I spit on your grave,The last house on the left)
The Punisher
Death Wish movies (1, 2, 3)
They Live
Big Trouble in Little China
Total Recall
Cape Fear

I guess those fall into the "revenge" category. There are probably many that I've missed. I think there are some Jean Claude Van Damme movies that kick ass too.
and to add to Marco's idea of "Last House..." remake

remake of "I Spit On Your Grave"

fucking BRUTAL ... the wife and I were totally loving the end thats for sure

avoid if you have a problem with seeing graphic rape scenes

Oh yes.
Saw that one with my girlfriend and it was kinda brutal.

No twists, no bullshit. just plain cold revenge :D
+1 to "Falling Down". When I finally bought a DVD player some 12 years ago, that was the FIRST DVD I bought. Had to have it, I had worn my VHS copy out.

Great, great film.