Good vigilante/vengeance movies

Toy Soldiers was also a family favorite.

terrorists (!) keep all these kids at like a military school hostage, then some of them band together and start crawling through vents and shit to take out those UNAMERICAN BASTARDS.
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Anyone ever seen this movie? Not so much vigilante(the main character thinks he is), but it kinda fits the same theme. And lots of over the top killing :-)

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Definitely watch Taken and Death Sentence, I have never seen Liam or Mr. Bacon act like badasses before so those are pretty cool to see.

fucking love that flick...introduced a friend to it recently, who somehow missed it in the 90s, and it instantly became one of his faves as well

"now you're gonna die in that stupid little's it feel?"

And come many of us haven't felt the same way when trying to order breakfast in a fast food place, just a couple of minutes late? :)
Hell yes. How else do you get your daily required intake of grease? :) But then again, you don't have Whataburger up their in Philly. Ummm....chorizo taquitos for breakfast (for a limited time only :( ) :D
Hell yes. How else do you get your daily required intake of grease? :) But then again, you don't have Whataburger up their in Philly. Ummm....chorizo taquitos for breakfast (for a limited time only :( ) :D

I feel dirty just reading that :D hahahaha

Whataburger no

I'm guessing its not a quality burger place

But we do have Wawa ... and they have all sorts of "breakfast" disasters