God can gtfo
+1 to old boy, even though it's pretty serious.
Kill bill (even though you've probably seen them)
Kill bill (even though you've probably seen them)
Oh yes.
Saw that one with my girlfriend and it was kinda brutal.
No twists, no bullshit. just plain cold revenge![]()
"I'm more of an ass man myself"![]()
Mega Force? The movie from the early 80's?? Crap...I had completely forgotten about that movie.![]()
Falling Down
fucking love that flick...introduced a friend to it recently, who somehow missed it in the 90s, and it instantly became one of his faves as well
"now you're gonna die in that stupid little hat...how's it feel?"
Hell yes. How else do you get your daily required intake of grease?But then again, you don't have Whataburger up their in Philly. Ummm....chorizo taquitos for breakfast (for a limited time only