Goodbye Sweet Orphans


Den Sista Ljusbäraren
Jul 20, 2004
I really have a hard time doing this and I really don't know what to say.
I had fun with all of you guys in this forum for the past few years but this cyberworld is holding me back...I am now breaking my internet ties and this includes this forum and UM and other music forums in general. I realized this is taking too much of my time on the expense of much more important things in my life.
Any of you guys who keep close contact with me through messenger or ICQ, I just want to say I'm sorry but I cannot continue talking to you either so I'd appreciate you not sending me any messeges...I won't answer them anyway.
I just want to stress that this isn't personal in case anyone gets offended and not to worry...I'm not suicidal...I'm just moving on.
I'll keep headbanging to OL's music and looking forward to hear ORWarriOR in the future.
and I may return to this forum someday, when I've matured enough.

All the best to everyone
we're sometimes out from the real world but finally I met lots of people who I met after in real ( I'm thinking about , OL, Yannick and Maria ) and I hope all of you in the furture !
I understand you, it's normal to do a break, I wish you the best my friend and see you in Israel when I'll be back !!!
I was just starting to know you, but anyway it's a great lose for all of us, your wisdom and sense of humor are awesome.
May someday we'll meet again, just keep on rockin'.:headbang:
Bona sort.
I don't get why, because it's not like you talk to NPC's in here. It's all real here (except for the occasional bot).

So it's both great for networking and getting knowledge on stuff, much faster (but not necessarily better) than real life. Like on music for instance.

But anyway, I respect your doings.
Wtf? No more paradoxile? Great news! I hated him anyway. :p
No I'm kidding of course. You'll be missed, man.
I thought of quitting this Internet addiction myself for many times but couldn't succeed. I don't see any reason in doing this now, though. But still, I'm sure he had good reasons. I'd like this to be more like a break rather than quitting. I'll be missing his philological shows and gruesome sense of humor :) And deep knowledge and good taste in almost everything.
Whatever. Take care and good luck.
Uff... believe me I understand.. in fact since some time ago I had to dissapear from this media because the life was moving faster than free time, but i will check out what is going on again.. and also.. and always.. yes.. keep on with OL in heart... and good luck on the way that´s comming for you!!