Dicography (with different versions)


New Metal Member
Feb 13, 2003
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I'm LJ from Portugal, it's my first here so I want to salute all of you.

I just discovered OL with Mabool, yeah I know I'm really stupid. I'm listening metal for abou 18 years and I never heard about it.

About Mabool, for me it's just awesome, the best of 2004.

But the question that took me tis forum is this, there is any place where I can get a complete discography of OL including the different versions like digipack editions ?

I searched the net for a Holy Records site but I couldn't find any.

I'm an avid collector of digipacks and everything that says that is a limited edition.

I want to buy OL's first albuns but first I want to know what exists to choose.

Thanks for the great album that you did !!!!

Helo and welcome to the forum, it's better late than never...

Please search on the net for the following titles:

El Norra Alila
The Beloved's Cry

You can order them through writting a mail for the OLweb-master and you'll get instructions how to order them :)
welcome LJ,

As far as I know you can find all OL albums in Israel

since I couldn't find "The beloved's cry" in Melbourne and I don't have time to travel to other cities searching for it nor I like to buy through the net.
I simply sent money to a friend in Israel through western union and gave him my adress
and he bought it for me.It arrived a few days ago. A lovely demo
my advice to you is to find a friend in Israel, it might come in handy.

as far as I know the demo "the beloved's cry" was originally released on a cassette in 94 which is pretty rare now.
Hi Folklore,

Thanks for the links but I can't see the album covers on the links you sent.
I just see a logo with hebrew caractheres.(Probably I'm wrong).

I'm spreading Orphaned Land Mabool to everybody I know :-)
Even the not-metalheads like the acoustic mini CD.

A live concert DVD with an electric and an acoustic set (like the mighty Opeth) would be great !!!!!
Think about it !


Folklore said: