

Sep 8, 2005
This site inspired me!

I had been looking for ways to help make a little income from our bands site when I came across google's adwords.

I have been pleasantly suprised. In only a couple of hours I had already made over 5 bucks. I also found a way to customize the google search engine (which I didn't know I could do) and make it black and silver instead of bright invasive white. Now if people wanna search on google they can do it from three different places on our site. It took Google about 24 hours to approve and ad our site.

Google gives free downloads and stuff that people can click on on your site too. They run ads that match words from your webpage at the bottom (or anywhere you wanna put em). It was easy and they generated the html for me. I just chose what I wanted and clicked a button... copied and pasted.

If you guys have a band with a website, I would really reccomend google. I looked at A LOT of places with strange pay schemes and (percentage rates as high as them taking over 20% of what you make) and stuff for about a month before I decided to just go with google. I'm still learning how to "work in" the html and stuff but it's actually helping me learn html and how it's used. I'm working on redesigning the site now to include all the google stuff in a more refined way. Right now it's just thrown on to see what happens.

I know it doesn't sound like much but if you're in a band, you know that every little bit helps. Even if we only make $5 a day, that comes out to $150 a month... that can go towards new Tshirt screens... more CD's.... shit it could even go toward the Electric bill here at the studio.

I know it sounds cheesy but I'm really excited about it. I'm going around to all the sites I usually go to and telling bands about it. Every little bit helps when you're trying to get off the ground. Maybe this wil help some of ya'll. Maybe the good karma from helping other bands will help US find a bassist (hehe) who shows up and doesn't have 3 baby momma's.

Does anyone else know of any other programs like this? It's already driving about 20-25 more unique hits a day to my webstore (not counting other pages) and I don't even have it up and running yet. It lets you pick out and customize everything!

I'm really stoked and I hope my passing it on helps other bands.

Ya'll have a good one! And let me know what you think if you have time.

:rock: :rock: :rock: