I need help learning to growl.


New Metal Member
Aug 21, 2007
For a year i've been listening to death metal and such and so i decided to learn to growl. Problem is there are no good music teachers around here and and those who are don't growl. As always i tried to google it, Google sent me here, so i registered yesteraday and thought i'd ask here seeing as some of you probably growl. So can you guys help me and don't just say "use the stomach."? And i'm not only registering for this question i've been looking for a site like this for a long time.

Thanks to all, hope you can help me.
You should try this DVD called "The Zen of Screaming." It teaches you how to properly scream without damaging your vocal cords and so your screaming doesn't sound like s**t as well. Melissa Cross is the person on the video. She trained Andrew W.K. and the vocalists from As I Lay Dying and Shadows Fall.
I have the Zen of Screaming, and for the most part it's about teaching screamers how to scream well. Which basically means it's just general singing practice which you can apply to your screams/growls to make them better. There is a I foulittle bit that teaches how growling/screaming should feel and it does help, it's how I learned, but don't except to watch the DVD and suddenly know how to do it.

It's kind of like trying to explain how you move your arm, you don't know how you just do it. I found it helpful to just find a quiet isolated area and just try to make different sounds, until you get something that sounds like what you want and that doesn't hurt your vocal chords. Also it doesn't come from the stomach, thats just how you add volume to it. The actual part that makes it rough is in your mouth (key it mouth not throat).

Also don't expect to sound exactly like a certain band when you start. When I first got it I sounded nothing like a lot of the bands I was going for. But after a lot of practicing and learning different ways to make sounds I came up with a lot of stuff that sounded like other bands and a lot of stuff I've never heard before. Just have fun with it and don't worry about sounding like another death metal band. Work on creating your own unique brutal sounds with your own voice.
You can't learn to scream/growl; either you can or you can't. The video will probably help you to keep from blowing out your voice, but that works for clean singing as well.

That's almost like asking to sing like Ripper Owens or Bruce Dickinson. Some people can and some can't. You may improve your voice to some extent, but if you can't naturally sing that way, you never will.

It's no secret: sing from your diaphragm. Everyone uses some throat for screaming/growling...it's not like people naturally talk like that. It just depends on your stamina, but in 20 years, I guarantee you that the growlers of today won't have the voice to growl very much anymore unless it's done properly.
Thanks. I'll see if i can find clips from that DVD, and keying it in the mouth really worked well. Oh, and yes, you can learn it. Every single person i know learnt it somehow.
I always wanted to know how to growl I will definitely check out this DVD.

I have a question though, I saw trailers for it on youtube and it shows alot of hardcore vocalists in it. I want to be more like Alexi Laiho type screaming (something wild era). Will this DVD help me do that?

actually the guy from Pig Destroyer is pretty badass as well. Can I use the techniques on the DVD without just being a hardcore vocalist?
First off you need to pick a technique.
From what i have experience in i can help you with two types:
False vocal chord, and phlem talking.
I use false vocal chords and it works fine for me but its a little painful at first but your false vocal chords with strengthen and you'll be good.
The way it works, there are two sets of vocal chords in the back of the throat, your vocal chords, and your false vocal chords.
Vocal chords are used for singing and talking whereas your false chords are used for coughing.
To use your false vocal chords for growling you start by just clearing your throat, this is the feeling you'll get while your growling.Now try to clear your throat and extend it for a while.
This is how the growl is formed from there you just have to work with that cough type thing for a while, then to further enhance the sound work with your mouth. For a deeper sound form an O with your mouth for a higher sound widen or open your mouth.

The other style, phlem talking, is more simply but (in my opinion) doesn't sound as good.In this technique you simply
gather phlem(stuff in the back of you throat when you drink milk)
or saliva and talk or sing with it. It creates a raspy sounding growl type sound.
Hope this helped.
You're having a long day, and you do this big long aggravated sigh. What does that sound like? Work on it and it becomes the standard harsh vox. G'luck...
First off you need to pick a technique.
From what i have experience in i can help you with two types:
False vocal chord, and phlem talking.
I use false vocal chords and it works fine for me but its a little painful at first but your false vocal chords with strengthen and you'll be good.
The way it works, there are two sets of vocal chords in the back of the throat, your vocal chords, and your false vocal chords.
Vocal chords are used for singing and talking whereas your false chords are used for coughing.
To use your false vocal chords for growling you start by just clearing your throat, this is the feeling you'll get while your growling.Now try to clear your throat and extend it for a while.
This is how the growl is formed from there you just have to work with that cough type thing for a while, then to further enhance the sound work with your mouth. For a deeper sound form an O with your mouth for a higher sound widen or open your mouth.

The other style, phlem talking, is more simply but (in my opinion) doesn't sound as good.In this technique you simply
gather phlem(stuff in the back of you throat when you drink milk)
or saliva and talk or sing with it. It creates a raspy sounding growl type sound.
Hope this helped.

DUDE YOU FUCKING ROCK, your "clearing throat description" was very helpfull. i too was looking for some direction on how to growl, now i have a starting point, thanks again.