How to growl/scream?


New Metal Member
Feb 9, 2014
I feel all meh :waah: While a part of me wants to learn how to growl to show that I can be up to par with my bf's ex who could grown and while a part of me wants to make him proud,although he loves me unconditionally,another part of me truly wants to growl.But every time I try I'm so sure I'm not doing it right.When I do,it sounds weird and whispery.And I get lightheaded after.I watched many videos but most people demonstrate the sound of it,not how to get/produce/conjure up that sound.So how do you growl or scream? T~T I'm so utterly disappointed in myself because I try so many times.

The best advice I've ever received was to try emulating the sound that girl makes in "The Ring". You know that weird, guttural creepy shit she does? Almost like you're saying 'uhhhhhhh' for a really long time? Do that, and try to manipulate it by moving your mouth around and adding power to it. If your throat hurts or you're getting dizzy, you aren't doing it right.
Try to mimmick your favorite vocalists in the car. Start off with whispering until you get the pitch down.

As you do this, Take note as to where the vibrations are happening (e.g. throat, gut) and you can improve your efficiency in progress by targeting the muscles that create the sound you're looking to make (scream, growl, rasp, throat, etc).

When you see improvement like this, gradually raise the volume of your voice without losing pitch.

And don't forget about warming up!!!
not everyone can do this, any hard use of your voicer can (and will) do damage no matter how good you are at it. start with warming up your voice every single time. and then experiment with what hurts and what doesn't. there are many good tutorials available to teach you the basics. I'd do some online research to find the best ones. and not some self uploaded youtube video.
Hey there,
To put it into perspective from you, hardly any women can growl properly. I'm not saying this in a sexist way at all, it's just a fact. Unfortunately, our vocal chords aren't designed to produce such a guttural feeling, most of the time. Of course, there are exceptions like Angelo Gosso, Alicia-White Gluz and Mascha Scream so it's certainly possible, but you need to be very careful not to damage your vocals.
Unfortunately I can't do them because my voice is far too high, but the key to growling without straining yourself according to other local sources is to do a little every day, and build yourself up. It needs to be quiet as well. Lots of people try and force it out and do it really loudly, which is what damages your vocals. It basically burns them to the point the muscles are decayed, just like with shouting too much. So you need to be really quiet, practically at speaking level, and then build your strength up.

Good luck. :)
I feel all meh :cry: While a part of me wants to learn how to growl to show that I can be up to par with my bf's ex who could grown and while a part of me wants to make him proud,although he loves me unconditionally,another part of me truly wants to growl.But every time I try I'm so sure I'm not doing it right.When I do,it sounds weird and whispery.And I get lightheaded after.I watched many videos but most people demonstrate the sound of it,not how to get/produce/conjure up that sound.So how do you growl or scream? T~T I'm so utterly disappointed in myself because I try so many times.
So I have a question to anybody with an answer, I find inhale screaming to be easiest and actually struggle a lot with regular screams. What can I do to improve in other areas?
1. Warm up your vocals. Minimally by humming. Ideally search for extreme metal vocal warm ups on youtube.
2. Grow and bark like a dog. You should feel the growl in the back of your throat. Then try sustaining the bark or growl into a continuous sound. Try making words with it. See how high and low you can pitch it. Try cookie monster growls, try black metal rasps. Start with a dog growl and turn it into a shout or a roar. Fuck around with it, see what sounds you can make.
3. Drink warm liquids to soothe your throat.
4. It can help to ensure no one can hear you - then you'll feel less of a dick and more comfortable to give it full throttle.
5. Check out Melissa Cross Zen of screaming. You don't need to follow it religiously but it's a helpful start for beginners. Angela Gossow was one of her students...