Google Maps

ok you weirdo (pardon the familiar tone), do you also participate on a poetry board?

funny thing is, I just mentioned google maps and the city of Surprise on a different board a day or two ago.

The influential matter was altogether different, however, as the concern of my reference was a nest of ravens located in the desert near Surprise, not a triangular "whatever-the-heck-it-is".

anyway, if you don't participate on any poetry board, or even if by some odd chance you do, your kung-fu is obviously skilled.

but not freaked out,

(if you're curious about this little diversion at all, I will gladly post a link to the discussion to which I refer.)
R0l0 said:
anyone see the new Google Earth program yet?
:OMG: pretty amazing! it's uses those satellite images from google maps, only you can pretty much pan/tilt/rotate/zoom the enitre planet. quite addictive so far.


yep, that was the topic on the 'other' board I mentioned. It's weird, the coincidental nature of the context of this subject, for me. But the mind is a small world after all, and I'm too lethargic to know it's not normal.