Google messaging feature

thats annoying. why can't everyone just get msn?!
instead i gotta get all these instant messenger programs to be able to talk to all the different friends i have who stupidly either have msn or aim or yahoo or whateverthefuck.
just fucking get msn. :)
Welll excuuuuuse me Mrs. Hoity toity "I sip my wine with my pinky up" french person, because msGAY shut me down two years ago because i wouldnt check into their steaming pile of shit hotmail every 30 days. GMail has Germanic descent, and is fucking barbaric. It laughs in the faces of those other IM clients as its slaughters them with its 1 Gigabyte of space, with no needless deletion. Gmail swears allegience and never leaves your side just because you didnt check it once a month. It cheers with its beerstein and crushes your silly little champagne glass.
Feraliminal Lycanthropizer said:
Welll excuuuuuse me Mrs. Hoity toity "I sip my wine with my pinky up" french person, because msGAY shut me down two years ago because i wouldnt check into their steaming pile of shit hotmail every 30 days. GMail has Germanic descent, and is fucking barbaric. It laughs in the faces of those other IM clients as its slaughters them with its 1 Gigabyte of space, with no needless deletion. Gmail swears allegience and never leaves your side just because you didnt check it once a month. It cheers with its beerstein and crushes your silly little champagne glass.
Hello new friend

Also gmail has around 2.5 gb now

Anyway, this new Google Talk is excellent, There are no retarded emoticons, no silly ads, no unnecessary things. It's text, and you can use it to talk. That's all you need, and all you get.

Hopefully they'll add filetransfer and maybe webcam, but I'm really hoping they're not adding much :)
So, if I sign up, will I get attacked with the masses of spam and X-rated crap I used to get with MSN? I stopped using MSN because I got so many of those. When I got my new computer, which HAS to be free of viruses and such, I just didn't re-install the program. I have all sorts of antivirus and all, but it gets irritating as hell getting "called" right in the middle of something, only to find it's some barely legal that wants to have chatsex for money (not that I mind sex, but I have kids in the same room the computer is in - with parents like us, they don't need to be exposed to any more weirdness than they already are...). Any input on the google progrm in this regard, so far?
So far I haven't gotten anything yet. Google Talk doesn't give you ads for anything.

Gmail is the best provider I've seen so far as far as spam blocking goes, I haven't gotten a single spam mail that wasn't filtered into the Spam box. None have made it into my inbox.

If you don't have gmail yet, PM me your email, I'll send you an invite.
Hey, why don't I get porn pop-ups? Oh you mean on the internet, as a direct result of me using msn, is that the reason I get all these "Free Sex" things?
Anyway, what I wanted to say is that google is a jewish invention, so it is not of germanic descent.
Feraliminal Lycanthropizer said:
Welll excuuuuuse me Mrs. Hoity toity "I sip my wine with my pinky up" french person, because msGAY shut me down two years ago because i wouldnt check into their steaming pile of shit hotmail every 30 days. GMail has Germanic descent, and is fucking barbaric. It laughs in the faces of those other IM clients as its slaughters them with its 1 Gigabyte of space, with no needless deletion. Gmail swears allegience and never leaves your side just because you didnt check it once a month. It cheers with its beerstein and crushes your silly little champagne glass.

This is the best god damn reply I have ever read :worship: