Google - please do this...


Sep 7, 2008
London, UK
Please google the phrase 'do not tailor my search results' without quotes. Help send a message to Google that tailing our search results harms the transfer of information.

how about telling google about the problem in ways that might actually reach a human being? i doubt this is one of them.

somebody giving a fuck about it at google, though, is far-fetched...
Might be interesting : one of the coms mention that you can turn off google personnalization. I wasn't aware of that.

I liked the video. Imo he is right from A to Z, it's awesome to have a little more information that are relevant to you (I enjoy more reading about science, audio, etc) but only if you can decide it or not, and only if it's obvious and easy to control. And not by going to an obscure google webpage to personnalise it, whose existence is only known by 1% of people.

I'm not a paranoiac but I'm more and more contemplating leaving facebook, and I'm not using google+, especially cause I wanna avoid the trap of creating a new dependance in a new service. Problem is that so much information pass through fb these days, and you can miss some of your friends info just because you're not a fb-er anymore. Of course people would say "it's up to you to get in touch with your friends", but that's unrealistic and not really the point. Especially like me when you travel a lot or even live abroad.
about the OP : if everyone did post such a search, it would indeed have an impact on google staff. If it reached no1 search of the week or even the day, it would have some weigh, especially if relayed by geek-technico blogs and so on. Not much, but it's a start. I think that's what drew_drummer meant.