google today

Oct 29, 2001
on certain days google's homepage is different (there are some drawings on the logo). i can't see why today it is like it is. can anyone enlighten me?
isn't it about those infinite repetitions in nature? where you can look at a leaf (or whatever it was, can't remember) then zoom in and there you'll find the same shape once more. hm... perhaps gaston julia discovered that? or perhaps you're just fooling around :loco:
spaffe said:
isn't it about those infinite repetitions in nature? where you can look at a leaf (or whatever it was, can't remember) then zoom in and there you'll find the same shape once more. hm... perhaps gaston julia discovered that? or perhaps you're just fooling around :loco:
yep, he was a french mathematician who studied the fractal geometry
Erik said:
When Google has special logos you can always click on them to get an explanation.
really? *feels so stupid* :oops:

edit: "gaston julia" appears also when you go with the mouse on the logo. :err: i am stupid.
Ben_t said:
Damn I wanted mourningstar to think I was she knows how I did it. :loco:
:lol: now you'll have to think about something else to amaze me.

@rus: that's such a relief, you know :tickled:
@ben: *smiles*. say "impressionarti", please, the polite form is not necessary. or i'll have to refer to you avec le vous ;)