
Gorguts is pretty insane and wicked stuff...

"Considered dead" and "The erosion of sanity" are
good death metal albums, but "Obscura" is weird as
progressive death metal can be, if anyone can say such
style exists. Not so dense as Meshuggah's Chaosphere,
but I'd say in the same league of complexity. Sort of metal
music for metal musicians, not for everyone.
The viola part at the end of the "Earthly love" song from
that album creeped the hell out of me the first time I heard it.

"From wisdom to hate"... I must listen to it some more.

Yeap... the guitars are the interesting part in Gorguts music,
but the bass got a good mix level on the albums and it's not
easy work to stick to such insane compositions with a bass.
Steve Cloutier is the bass player.


Originally posted by Stuart Tucker
Fuck, that man riff sounds like a dinosaur getting hit in the face with a hammer.

That is an awesome quote.
I actually fucking laughed out loud.
To hell with you pervert.
Gorguts is great... I have to be in the mood to listen to Obscura though... A bit more progressive than I prefer, but still a very inspired album.

Hakkit, you said "Metal music for the Metal Musicians... "

I think a lot of Death Metal is like that... Almost everyone I know that's into it as much as me is a musician. I was talking with my drummer, and it's kinda amazing, when you think of it, it's basically the hardcore DM musicians that's keeping the scene alive... at least here in CA.
I think from wisdom to hate is the best gorguts.

and whlile the guitars are very impressive, the bass is doing some cool shit either following the guitars or the drums. very cool stuff.

here is the bassist and guitarist talking about songwriting and their approach to the instruments.

try the real player vids, i can't get the windows media to work.