Got a small intelligence test for you


Sep 25, 2001
Actually it's a simple assignment:

On one side of the river there are FOUR guys. Two of them weigh a 100 kilograms and the other two weigh 50 kilograms. There is a barge at their side of the river that can carry an amount of 100 kgs. How many times does the barge have to cross the river for all of them to get to the other side?

Note: 1. no ropes
2. the barge has to be riden by at least one guy in each direction (no "can one of them push it back to the other side?" kind of catches)
3. each pass counts as one (so if the barge travels from one side to the other and back count it as 2)
4. no other people are involved, just the four of them (the barge is empty)

Good luck, it's not so hard, I figured it out in two minutes or something.
Yeah I know it's really simple

I should have made this different so you would send me private messages with answers

This way it's over
yeah, 9. that's what i got. pretty simple stuff, like yo usaid. i've got a good one, but i'm not sure if i can remember it. i think this was it:

You're walking through the woods at night. this wind is howling, the rain is falling and lightening if flashing. you them come across a small group of people called the nice-but-not-so-smart-gnomes. they say their king has told them to find you and they take you back to their village and their king sits you down on a chair. there are two other people there. the king starts to speak:

"i've brought you hear because you are the three smartest people in all the lands. i have a little problem for you to try to work out, to prove which of you is the smartest. i am going to blind fold you then i will paint a red or a green dot on you're forehead before removing your blindfolds. if you see a green dot you must raise your hand. you have to work out what colour of dot you have on your head, but you are not allowed to touch the dot with your hand to let you know. once you have worked out the colour of your dot, tell me."

with this, the king blindfolds each of you and paints a dot on your forehead (btw, you are arranged in a triangle so you can see each other easily). when the blindfolds are removed, all three people raise their hands, and both of the other two people have a green dot on their heads. no one says anything. after a while you say "your majesty, i have a green dot. I know because...."

how do you know?
If you had a red dot, one of the others would have said they have a green dot. If person A saw a green dot on person B's head and a red one on yours, then they would know that person B saw person A's green dot and would've said they have green, but since you also have green, they don't know whether person B is raising their hand for your green dot or whether person A has one, too.
my first response when I saw the assignment was this: "well how...what th...rope....oh got it." :D