Ace name, was my point. I have a deceased brother called Ryan, so for me it's THE best name ever.

The Zander-Hooven is just a most kick ass add on! :lol:
derek said:
Ace name, was my point. I have a deceased brother called Ryan, so for me it's THE best name ever.

The Zander-Hooven is just a most kick ass add on! :lol:
hahaha. there is another song that i have. there are only two problems though. i am not able to record because somehow all my data was erased so i have nothing to record with at the moment and the second reason is because i have a shoulder injury and im due to have surgery november 10th and its a 3-4 month recovery
Conquer All said:
hahaha. there is another song that i have. there are only two problems though. i am not able to record because somehow all my data was erased so i have nothing to record with at the moment and the second reason is because i have a shoulder injury and im due to have surgery november 10th and its a 3-4 month recovery

Know the feeling. Dislocated my shoulder back in 99. You're gonna be screwed for months. I had to learn to write again!

Party on.
lordofthesewers said:
What did you use to program the drums ryan?
Appart from the lack of a solo it is a really cool song that i really like
i used guitar pro 5. there is a solo that has sweeps in it. here is the story:

i recorded it a while ago and then i didnt have time to do the solo. i kinda left the song alone after a while. then i found out about my shoulder and im not able to play guitar at all. the solo starts around 1:23 though. when i get home (because im at school, ill upload the MIDI file of the entire song (including solo).