Got my tix for Chicago show!!!


Feb 24, 2002
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I just got my tix for the December 7th show in Chicago with Blind Guardian!!! :rock: :rock: :rock:
This will be one hell of a show! :flame: :Shedevil: :Smokedev: :muahaha: :hotjump:
I can't wait!
I wonder how much time they will get to play and what the song selection will be.
I'm also going to the Chicago show, im getting tickets this weekend. As far as time, it will probably be between 45 mins to an hour based on a few interviews ive read. As far as the setilst goes, in interviews they hinted at playing Of Sins and Shadows, Evolution, Wicked, Accolade II, King of Terrors, and Incantations of the Aprentice. Whether or not they play all of these or some I dont know for sure, but thats what Romeo and Russ hinted at in some interviews.