Gothenburg, Sweden concert (With Kreator)

Sign up at for 40-something pictures from that show, it only takes a few seconds and all you need is a functional email-address. The site is all in swedish though but if some of you who are not swedish wanna sign up so you can check the pics you might find some help in Gtranquillity's post in this thread.

Also, If you're faster than a blastbeat (and swedish) you can also take part of MetalObscene's Dark Tranquillity-contest and win signed Character-posters but hurry, you've only got 2 days to compete counting from today.

And btw, make sure that you check the older threads on this forum for some top quality pics from the earlier part from that european tour. DragonLady1 and others have done a great job in taking some mighty shots of the band.
Want more pics! Especially pics of the audiance (spelling?).. I wanna see myself :p