Kreator concert yesterday


Apr 29, 2004
Yesterday went to the Kreator tour gig in Tilburg, Holland. Was a good time to meet up with Hawk again after some months (hell, we live so far apart :err: ). We met at his friend Pim (another walking metal encyclopedia)'s place and from there we drove to the concert. We left pretty late on purpose to miss the opening bands. Just saw a little part of Dark Tranquility and we were damn right to come late. Boring, and technically below level music. Nothing more to say....
Than Kreator came...I must admit I wasn't the biggest Kreator fan in the 80's, but their latest album rocks so I wanted to see them...Luckely I did, they put up a hell of a setlist, some songs I can recall; Tormentor, Enemy of God, Extreme Agressions, suicide Terrorist, Impossible brutality...
Kreator sounded super proffessional, a very well balanced song choice and great light show (not that important, but nice extra). There was a huge moshpit, and the guys of Kreator loved the public for sure. Lang time ago since I've seen that good atmosphere on a concert !If they come somewhere near you and you like real hard oldschool-based thrash, go and see them !!
After the show we met Griffin (do I really have a Sortilège patch on my jeans jacket?) and she showed to know more than enough of oldschool metal !! (we did get a hint by seeing her amazing SS list) Born 2 decades to late to have actually seen the 80's scene ,she probably knows just as much or more of us who did. Cool to have met her, I'm sure we'll see each other now and than on concerts !
Got home 3 houres before having to go to work, so I'm still tired....Damn, forgot my camera again, next time better :loco:
Well, my buddy carnut said it well and very good. Kreator simply ruled!! They have grown into a very professional band. The crowd loved them. Their last releases are really strong and so was this concert. They had a very good setlist, a good mix between the slower and really fast songs. One of the best shows I have seen the last few years.

It was great to see carnut again en meet Griffin. Talk about a walking encyclopedia! She has a burning passion for metal thats for sure :)

In short a was a great night! And I enjoyed myself immensely.
All said! =) Good thing you missed the support bands. It started with Hatesphere, not interesting at all although the sound wasn't too bad. Ektomorph (is this the way you write it?) were very weid, at some points I thought, hm this might go somewhere and right at those points they fucked it up by playing some unorigional rip off nu-metal. Dark Tranquillity were shite as well. The half liters were a nice replacements (though I really prefer other beer than Heiniken!). Kreator - especially compared with previous bands - were simply great. Not one of the best (thrash) shows I've seen, but there was just nothing much wrong with the show. Cool (long) setlist with newer and older stuff which in the end gave me severe neck and back aches (I could hardly turn my head this morning, but that's the price I'm willing to pay, haha)

Thanks so much for both of your kind words, it was really cool meeting both of you! Carnut, I've done nothing else so far than listening to your CD's! I absolutely love them, thanks so much again (and make sure you listen to that Manilla Road record non stop.. hehe). About the Sortilege patch.. haha yes, I sometimes forget what's on my jacket form time to time. I drew this one myself and forgot all about it hehe.

I got home pretty late, I helped my friend Hans (who sold HAwk the Overlorde CD, once again: small world we're living in haha) anyway I helped him and Ed from Millenium clenaing up the stand and they gave me a ride home. Thanks for your offer by the way carnut, this was probably more practical for the both of us =)
I'll catch you both on SS probably, then I'll give you the link of the forum I told about, maybe you're willing to join, we'll see. And I'm sure we'll meet again. Hawk: you really HAVE to download some older Brocas Helm work, if you do I'm sure you'll want to go see them in a few weeks!!
Matter of tastes I guess (allthough their sound sucked as well)
I forgot to mention I made some pics:



I made some others too but most of them are pics from my friends and me.
( )
Griffin- said:
no problem, I always bring my camera for afterjoy :D

I was never able to slip a camera in US. Are cameras allowed in Europe?

I'm glad you people have a great time in the concert. I hope one day to go there and meet you all too.
Wyvern said:
I was never able to slip a camera in US. Are cameras allowed in Europe?

I'm glad you people have a great time in the concert. I hope one day to go there and meet you all too.

Sometimes you can get a camera in in the US! I got some great pix at the last Dio show I went to. Depends on the band's policy (although at some places the security goons seem to get a kick out of stealing cameras, so they'll take em from you regardless of the band's policy).
wdiv said:
Sometimes you can get a camera in in the US! I got some great pix at the last Dio show I went to. Depends on the band's policy (although at some places the security goons seem to get a kick out of stealing cameras, so they'll take em from you regardless of the band's policy).

Too much a risk if you're bringing a $500 digital camera. I rather take my chances with one of those disposable ones, the pics may not be the best but if confiscated you loose just a bit of money.

Still for me the camera will be mostly to have the chance of asking for a pic of the band with me, a dream but a nice one :grin:
Wyvern said:
I was never able to slip a camera in US. Are cameras allowed in Europe?

I'm glad you people have a great time in the concert. I hope one day to go there and meet you all too.

Well, now you say, I think I never was controlled ever at the entrance of a smaller show for weapons, camera's or so...Even last year at the Slayer/Slip-not show there was absolutely no control...

Yeah, this world is too big for us, we should get a small oldschool moon to ourselves :loco:
carnut said:
Yeah, this world is too big for us, we should get a small oldschool moon to ourselves :loco:

Maybe Phobos or Deimos, those are closer :Spin:
All these great comments about the KREATOR tour are really making me want to go. They are reaching my area at the end of this week but unfortunately it is on a Thursday when my husband has to work the next day. If he can´t get the day off, it´s no KREATOR for me. :(
kreator plays here in san francisco with death angel!! in 3 months
I kind of foresaw the setlist, so no surprises there.
great pics. If you have a backpack and you put a camera in the small pocket inside the middle pocket, they don't check there, but I know, I still wouldn't risk a digital, I take the kodiak ones.