Gothic Metal at Bloodstock


Child of Morpheus
Dec 15, 2002
Huddersfield, UK
This is something I've suggested a number of times before, but I feel the need to do so again. :p What are people's views on maybe having some GM bands on next years bill such as Tristania, Sirenia, Trail of Tears, TSOTB, Darkwell, Beseech etc.

I often find that many power metal fans also enjoy this particular brand of metal (mroe so than death/black fans), and considering it has a relatively small, but dedicated following in this country I do feel Bloodstock would be the perfect opportunity to bring some of these bands over to the UK for the first time. I also feel it would add some nice diversity to the bill, and make '04 even more of a special event.
Catharsis said:
This is something I've suggested a number of times before, but I feel the need to do so again. :p What are people's views on maybe having some GM bands on next years bill such as Tristania, Sirenia, Trail of Tears, TSOTB, Darkwell, Beseech etc.

I often find that many power metal fans also enjoy this particular brand of metal (mroe so than death/black fans), and considering it has a relatively small, but dedicated following in this country I do feel Bloodstock would be the perfect opportunity to bring some of these bands over to the UK for the first time. I also feel it would add some nice diversity to the bill, and make '04 even more of a special event.

I think it would be a good idea as well, so I'll add a few more bands: Amorphis, For My Pain, Poisonblack, Sentenced, The 69 Eyes.
TSOTB are not in action atm, Tristania would be cool, how about some emotional music such as anathema, katatonia or opeth
TSOTB are not in action atm

Yes, it's a bit of a mystery this one! Last time anyone heard anything from them, which was around the beginning of this year if I remember correctly, they were still only at five members and were having difficuly getting things together for a new album. Since then I haven't heard anything.

I do hope they don't throw in the towel, as despite the criticism they get for their copycat tendencies, I really do enjoy their music.
I wouldn't mind so long as it was put on the Darwin Suite... but gothic metal, it's a contradiction in itself. I'd prefer they kept the main stage all power/heavy - afterall, it is a REAL metal festival.