Gotta love those Americans...

The Soulforged said:
hey dude we saved your asses in world war 1 & 2. and kicked your ass in the american revolution and we had a ragtag farmer militia. so you don't have any dirt on us.

we will get you facts right here...first things first, you didnt, we didnt ask you!

1917 an American transport ship was accidentally sunk by the Germans...US join world war 1 for the last year.

December 7th 1941 Japanese bomb pearl harbour. US join world war 2 against the Japanese...
The Soulforged said:
hey dude we saved your asses in world war 1 & 2. and kicked your ass in the american revolution and we had a ragtag farmer militia. so you don't have any dirt on us.
Shall I mention 1812?

A ragtag farmer the french military, yup, farmers alright.
Wow! Were's the love people? Yes, we American's suck...I get it...hahaha! You know not all of us are bad. But that's okay because I still love all of you no matter how much you hate me or my kind!:waah:
The Soulforged said:
hey asshole you started it. i just had to defend myself. after all i am american. I mean your gonna rip on a whole country over one person.... you sound like the ignorant fuck now.

"We saved your ass in world war 2" is one of the comments that makes americans look like ignorant fucks.