Gp1000 question

Aug 17, 2009
Hey guys. I recently bought a lee jackson gp1000 preamp(i think it's the 87 transition model or whatever..) and i need some info about it.
First, does anyone know how much power does it consume so i can pick a suitable power transformer?
Second, Is it best to buy an od or a distortion pedal to boost the gain? I don't really use a lot of gain but i think that the preamp won't cover me
And third, I am buying a rocktron velocity 300 and I already bought a Harley benton cab loaded with Vintage 30's. My question is, can i use the power amp in stereo at 16ohms with my cab set at stereo at 16ohms. the rocktron manual said something about shorting the outputs of the amp if the 2 outputs of the amp are connected to the same speaker(I kinda confused:err:)
Oh, by the way I'm new to the forum so hi everyone!
Hey guys. I recently bought a lee jackson gp1000 preamp(i think it's the 87 transition model or whatever..) and i need some info about it.
First, does anyone know how much power does it consume so i can pick a suitable power transformer?
Second, Is it best to buy an od or a distortion pedal to boost the gain? I don't really use a lot of gain but i think that the preamp won't cover me
And third, I am buying a rocktron velocity 300 and I already bought a Harley benton cab loaded with Vintage 30's. My question is, can i use the power amp in stereo at 16ohms with my cab set at stereo at 16ohms. the rocktron manual said something about shorting the outputs of the amp if the 2 outputs of the amp are connected to the same speaker(I kinda confused:err:)
Oh, by the way I'm new to the forum so hi everyone!

Buy a 100 watt power consumer to be safe, the amp doesn't consume more than that, although Lee Jackson hasn't stated anywhere what the wattage of the GP-1000 is. Buy a SD-1 (super overdrive), used by Alexi and Zakk wylde.

Now here is the tricky part: I don´t think you could use that cabinet mono bridged at least cause then you'd need 175 at 8 omh and 300 at 16.
But you could use it fine in stereo, cause if i remember correctly it uses 75 at 8 ohm and 35 at 16 ohms (on both sides of cause). So that means you need a cabinet that has at least 150 or 70 watt. And I recall that the benton only have like 120 and 60? I sense blown speakers! I'd go for a new cab xP Bentons aren't really suited for rack systems.
Yeah it was the cheapest i could find until I had money for a marshall... Btw, I was thinking about buying one of those electro harmonix power amp just to set it up so I could save money for an engl or a marshall power amp. I also heard that the new rocktrons have problems with the fan, I even saw a couple of them on ebay sold with a broken fan..
Buy a 100 watt power consumer to be safe, the amp doesn't consume more than that, although Lee Jackson hasn't stated anywhere what the wattage of the GP-1000 is. Buy a SD-1 (super overdrive), used by Alexi and Zakk wylde.

hi rune,
what settings would you use for the Boss SD-1?
Would you use this settings for the gp-1000 from the gear thread?

"Alexi Laiho's GP-1000 Preamp Settings

• Volume - Full
• Distortion - Full & pulled
• Treble - Full
• Mid - Full
• Mid shift - 3
• Bass - 9 O'Clock
• Output 2 is used (more bass), and is set to 11 O'Clock."


I bought for my lee jackson this voltage converter to be on the safe side:äte&hash=item3a6df7c18b

We can see the approximative settings of the pedal here

I wouldn't use those settings if i had a gainbooster in my guitar or emg 81s.
I would rather use zakk wyldes settings: level: full, tone: mid position and drive: 9 o'clock.
If you use the "alexi" settings with a booster or emg-81 you'd get way too much gain. Remember Alexi used those settings only with the seymour duncan blackouts without any booster. The SD blackout doesnt have that much output as a Emg-81, but significantly more than a passive pickup. Alexi also used this pedal before he got the mm-01 booster or alexander's je-1000(s) with the EMG HZ H4 pickup.

Edit: GP-1000; wouldn't use mid on full with any tube poweramp nor the je-1000, would be too much midrange, rather on 11 o'clock or something.
There are only 3 knobs, it shouldn't be difficult to find good settings huh. Just adjust according right to your gear.
Old thread, I know, but hey I found it in Google after a year. So what?

2 things:

1) I also own a GP-1000 and totally on my own had the opinion the mids sounded best just above 11 o clock. The settings on the GP-1000 are VERY touchy and the preamp depends on the other gear you're using, hugely. But yes, mids right around 11 o clock is great. The '88 version of that preamp is modeled after a hot rodded Marshall, and don't we all know that there' a huge group of people who swear by EQing these with none of the knobs above noon. If you're practicing solo, that's how you kill the brightness and get it to sound good. If you're playing along with drums and a bass, you need all the brightness in Alexi's settings to cut through the mix and stand out as the lead, as we all know him so well for.

2) Make sure everything sounds good with your pedals bypassed FIRST. Then, activate pedals and tune those accordingly. A pedal isn't going to fix an inherently bad sound. It's also worth mentioning that a lot of the greats (Van Halen, Zakk Wylde, Alexi Laiho) understand the very best, most magical sounds are achieved with the level way up and the gain way down. That's both true literally in pedal settings, but the rest of the setup should reflect this as well. You don't get amazing sounds just by throwing huge amounts of gain at the problem and expecting it to sound good. Alexi's oldschool sound in particular sounds so good because it's so clear. If you're shopping his oldschool gear and not a modern ENGL, that's what you're searching for, and now you know what to look for in achieving that old holy grail tone.