Gr$$nbacks. electronic/metal/tech/groove. metal foundry, line6


Apr 14, 2005
everrot, WA
DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUDE! This is definitely your best mix - sounds really good. Snare is a bit squished though, although I am sick at the moment and can't hear for shit! SO... that may be me. But, musically, this is the shit man!

Dude -I never heard the big bottom model sound that good. Really good job man! What is your chain on the rythym guitars?
Sounds good man.

In those really heavy parts, it sounds like you might want to open the snare a tad.

Maybe also make the bass a little less boomy, or lower it slightly. Either way, just an idea...

Sounds good. :) Good composition too.
how do u get such a huge bass sound?
u posted a meshuggah type track a while ago and the bass was ridiculously huge?
mind sharing your signal chain, anything on how u tracked it and maybe some setting tips for a similar sound?
thanks emdprodukt! cool song! they both have that fear factory/mnemic vibe don't they? rofl.

thanks a lot ChrisP! the chain is my hellraiser 7 > podx3live > onyx 400f > macbook > logic. i used some light eq, usual cropping at 60hz and 10k. wide shallow dip around 4.5k, about -1.5db. and ozone's exiter exiting the midrange and highs on the tape setting just .3 boost.

thanks dylans! i agree with you, i still don't quite have the snare down. and the bass is kinda boomy, but i kinda like it for now, that'll probably change though soon haha.

thanks mang! the bass is pretty simple, just a crappy gio ibby 4 string i borrowed from a friend and tuned down to Bb, rofl. its DI into the Onyx, and then i use logic's bass sim, the warm setting with plenty of lows and little mids or highs. comp'd to hell and back, and then eq'd slightly.