progressive/melodic/electronic metal mix.


Apr 14, 2005
everrot, WA
sup sup! just finished mixing a new song. ears...are...shot! i kinda dig the mix. with a few exceptions. grmmble grmmble. The kik...should I shave a little high end off? I know its a bit 'loud', (smashed, with a fast attack for BOOOM) but its what i'm going for, but I want a nice balance between brewtul and having semi-functional hearing after listening to a few tracks with a similar mix. Help (especially) in that area would be awesome!

The Diddley Squat
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good stuff mix is sounding killer did you di or re amp the guitars or use a pod ? they sound good i think the bass drum needs a little low end has a lot of click i like it tho it stands out ....
thanks man! yeps, the guits are pod. yeah, i though it sounds like its lacking lows, but i think its just because it has a retarded amount of highs, (and freq buildup; its 2 different types of kick samples blended with a MF kick). I'll try cutting some high end out. and i think i wanna give the gitz a touuuuch more mids and a little less high end. does my crappy mastering sound ok? rofl. pumping? too many artifacts/clipping? I've been working on that a lot lately (but need a LOT more work...), playing with different types of music and stuff. But, I gotta wait a few days at least, I want to do touch-ups and stuff and make it sound as 'shiny' as possible, rofl.
Sounds pretty good!
The snare is kind of dry though
What was your mastering chain like if you don't mind me asking?
The mastering chain is pretty simple: Linear phase eq > TBK3 (clip + comp) > Ozone (reverb + tape sim) > Voxengo Elephant on MAX setting.
thanks Pxz! uhh, well, the vocalist thing is an ongoing, uhhh, thing. Basically, the metal scene here in Metropolitan Seattle is laughable at best, everyone just wants to "make it", very few actually cares about just making fun music, and playing some local shows. Can't find a singer worth keeping around. just finding 4 decent band members that weren't completely delusional assholes has been a real bitch, as i have been trying to get a band together since '03. couple false starts, etc. bah. current lineup is going ok, but something just doesn't seem right. it's depressing. pretty close to just throwing in the towel, to be honest, and making an attempt at recording demo's and stuff for local bands.