Grand Alchemist – Intervening Coma-Celebration


Jul 15, 2001
The starry attic
Grand Alchemist – Intervening Coma-Celebration
Sound Riot Records – SRP 17 8th July 2002
By Russell Garwood

Norwegian band Grand Alchemist formed in 1995, and “Intervening Coma-Celebration” is their debut signed album. The band’s music is memorable, effective and well-executed symphonic black. Tight, frenetic drums (performed by Kristian Stoelan) and heavy guitars (Terje Stangeland) are juxtaposed by the soaring violin melodies and complex harpsichord/piano of Sigurd Dybing (who also plays guitar). Roland Johnsen contributes with backing vocals and bass, the latter not only supporting the other instruments well, but at times venturing into a solo instrument realm. Sigurd’s vox are not the usual witch screams being lower and harsher, while his singing is excellent – always in tune, the clean sections provide unforgettable hooks. Among the progressive meandering tracks are numerous synths which help add variety; “Under My Skin” has eastern influences, “A Nailed Visual Effect” includes flutes and violins which give the song a mediaeval/classical feel, and the sounds in “Down Again” make the song more contemporary.

What really makes this release, however, is the song-writing - not just symphonic black metal by numbers, the songs have genuine emotion and are swathed in melancholic melodies and haunting instrumentation. Standouts are impossible to pick, the excellent standard being maintained from beginning to end. My favourites, however, include mellow acoustic opener “Faced”, exotic and extreme “Under My Shallow Skin”, “Psyche And A Flower To The New Lifetime” for its eerie synths, and the title track’s time and character changes. The production on “Intervening Coma-Celebration” is top notch, highlighting the band’s subtle use of dynamic variation and making the music’s complexity less bewildering. Overall this is a thoughtful and effective album, performed by skilled musicians which all fans of symphonic and emotional melodic metal will rate highly.