graphic card

I was actually recently asking the same question. A couple of people that I had talked to about it had said that the FX5700 was a nice card. But that was all, so I asked the question on a board where they are all hardware nuts. (It had been so long since I had looked at the prices.)

First up I was told that there is not a reason to buy a bargain 256mb card, it isnt fast enough to utilize the memory that I more demanding game/application would require in the first place (fx5700 - 350Mhz RAMDAC 256Meg Mem). And that a 9800pro or a 5900 cards are getting cheap. And that for a little more, you could go a fair bit better. I think that the fx5900 has 128Meg Mem but a 400Mhz RAMDAC. Then there is the FX5950U - but that is probably getting a bit steep (this is what I thought anyway, price begins to jump, although they may be cheaper now with the 6800's out) - FX5950U is a dual 400Mhz RAMDAC and 256 Meg Mem.

Now there were two of us that got cards after being bombarded with info. The other guy got a FX5700U 128MB DDR-2, said that it was cheap and has the speed to run newer games, apparently goes great on UT2k4.

I got the FX5900XT, which I am really happy with aswell, it's a 128MB card too, but I run UT2k4 on full details with no problem at all. I can't remember what I am running it at now, I think that it is something like 1152 x something - I will have a look when I get home. I could run it at 1600 x 1200 and it was fine too, but of course, I am using a 19" flat CRT, and at 1600x1200 this sort of tips over where the physical dots on the screen can represent every single pixel for the image on screen. Sure the electronics support it okay, but I found that it just looks better with it turned down a notch. Basically I got a very nice monitor, but unless you get a professional quality graphics one (which I imagine are quite a bit more pricey) you don't see it all on those very high resolutions.

So anyway, getting back to the video cards.

Basically yeah, for a little more or very similar price the FX5700U or FX5900 would give you a bit more performance. So these might actually be a better buy.

See what others say. Hope something there helps (and that I didnt post anything incorrect?).
5950U still goes for over $200, i think.

My monitor is killing my gaming experience. got a 3.2 ghz processor, 1 gig of ram, geforce 6800 ultra(technically, still in mail) and a 6 year old komodo monitor.
Demiurge said:
5950U still goes for over $200, i think.

My monitor is killing my gaming experience. got a 3.2 ghz processor, 1 gig of ram, geforce 6800 ultra(technically, still in mail) and a 6 year old komodo monitor.
You mean that they are only a little over $200 where ever you are? Dam! The FX5950U was AU$695 when I was looking at it a couple fo months ago, so I got the FX5900XT for AU$335. For twice the price I didn't think that it would be worth it, but for that sort of price difference I would have gotten it for sure.

Yeah, I got pretty much the same - 3.2 PIV HT with the 1024MB RAM. The monitor that I had before was sending me insane, I could not see anything on it at all. Look at the red on this background, that would have appeared black as night. I could not see anything when playing games at all, I may as well have been wearing a blindfold, at least then I wouldnt have been trying to fool anyone. A good monitor is so much worth it. The new one canes, I don't even have it set to the max brightness or anything like I do on every single other monitor that I have ever sat at. I'll get the model No. when I am home again. I think that it is the Syncmaster 955DF?
Kanyon said:
You mean that they are only a little over $200 where ever you are? Dam! The FX5950U was AU$695 when I was looking at it a couple fo months ago, so I got the FX5900XT for AU$335. For twice the price I didn't think that it would be worth it, but for that sort of price difference I would have gotten it for sure.

Yeah, I got pretty much the same - 3.2 PIV HT with the 1024MB RAM. The monitor that I had before was sending me insane, I could not see anything on it at all. Look at the red on this background, that would have appeared black as night. I could not see anything when playing games at all, I may as well have been wearing a blindfold, at least then I wouldnt have been trying to fool anyone. A good monitor is so much worth it. The new one canes, I don't even have it set to the max brightness or anything like I do on every single other monitor that I have ever sat at. I'll get the model No. when I am home again. I think that it is the Syncmaster 955DF?
try going to video card settings and changing brightness
that would have probably helped

this helps a lot for most games

i have 1 profile for web browsing which is very low brightness and one for games which is very high
personaly, i wouldnt condiser buying a card right now

doom 3 needs a 512 graphics card to run at full specs and that doesnt exist yet

im waiting till HL2 and doom 3 are out, as are Nvidia's and ATI's next line of video cards

IMO buying a card right now would be a waist of money
I have a ATI 9700 PRO oced to 9800 Pro speeds
Mine has a zalman heatsink with 80mm fan attached to it...
runs good, you can get a 9800 pro under 200$ and a 9700 pro for like 150$....
I'd go with ATI's X800 SE when it comes out...
the X800 SE will be 8 pipelines and 800mhz memory rate.. and i think a 450mhz core... and it will be cheap too like 300$ still, it's the R420 core...
But... i'm waiting for the X900 to come out in november..the X900 is the R480
in early 2005 the R500 will come out which will be Pixel shader 3.0 compatible, and it will be fucking fast too...

in november i'm getting a new pc with these specs..
3.8ghz P4 oced to 4.0ghz
1 gig of PC-5300 oced to 720mhz
ATI X900XT PE *pendiing*
Cooler master centurian 5 case
22' LCD
Creative gigaworks 5.1 560 watt system..
Demiurge said:
yeah, i usually see it for around $450 USD(634 AUD).
Actually even after converting the dollars around, the price does not translate well. They just seem to come out more expensive here > and we also have someone to thank for GST here too, thats always a doozy.

Before the 6800 was out I got the 5950u price, they have dropped considerably now probably.