Grave -- Fiendish Regression


Satans Mom

Fiendish Regression
Century Media

“Come with me…come die with me, I offer you eternity…”

So these sick, depraved, tombstone humping freaks are back with another slab of the completely demented: Fiendish Regression. Couldn’t be more aptly titled either -- it’s deliciously sinister, pure zombified War on the living. A rotting, human wasteland splattered with too many hooks to count, unforgettable riffs, achingly slow buildups, devastating breakdowns, and utterly disturbing vocals.

First off, this isn’t a mid-tempo offering like Back From the Grave was. The tempo of Fiendish dips and dives from death metal speed, to sludgy knuckle dragging. Guitars are tuned down a little in the rhythm sections, and there’s too damn many superior riffs in here to even begin to count. There’s a definite scathing fire, plus for additional range the solo’s come in at a higher tuned level. They explode out, while the meaty rhythm makes a heavier underbelly to carry the songs. I believe Grave has topped themselves in the guitar department here, and surpassed many other death metal bands this year. Bass can be heard, rumbling in an intro, or in between break downs. Ola’s vocals aren’t quite the same, extended slightly to weave a more sinister spell, vocal effects added sparsely to demonically drive his sound. The drums are noted for being fairly sparse for this genre, and oddly that creates an added weight by not being over killed. However, in the distinct “death metal” buildups, Pelle shows off accordingly with all the tricks in his arsenal. The highpoint to Fiendish Regression, in my humble opinion, is the strong and constant tempo shifts. It keeps the songs fresh, and satisfying as spins wear on. One other equally impressive highlight is the disturbing atmosphere, that perfectly reflects the intense lyrics. Somehow, Grave have managed to channel the very essence of their personalities on Fiendish Regression.

1) “Last Journey” -- Slow, evil picking starts this off, chunky riffing propel this from death metal to sludgy depths. This song has the added demonifying vocal effects to push it to the truly disturbing, and a passionate/enthusiastic solo.

2) “Reborn” -- The tempo of this one is all over the place, a whammy bar extravaganza lead/solo tops it all off. A note on the songwriting for Fiendish as a whole, it’s definitely advanced technically speaking from anything else they’ve done.

3) “Awakening”-- Doomsday riffing sets the tone on this one, repeated throughout. Tortured vocals, and a groove that immediately makes your head move. A frenzied solo is added near the end, surprisingly. (You gotta appreciate any band that throws off their shackles and does the unexpected.)

4) “Breeder” -- This one will make you do stupid things with your face: purse your lips, evil smile, roll your head around, and possible, throw a horn out. Yeah, enough about me. This is the fastest paced song on the disc, and it’s unrelenting till you get the meaty break down, and this vocal hook: “ Come with me, Come die with me, I offer you eternity”, that has some twisted effects on it. Song highlight.

5) “Trial by Fire” -- This one reminds me of a song off of Back from the Grave, “Blood Fed” which that cool vocal line, “bloodfed, not misled”. Either way, this one lets go, and rolls all over everything in its path. Again, the funny body twitches, and facial smirks are the result of this slice of manically driven metal.

6) “Out of the Light” -- More death metal in the songwriting than the others. The drumming is outstanding with it’s double kick, blasts and rolls. Riffing in just as ruthless as the drums.

7) “Inner Voice” -- The Pure essence of heavy. Bass intro, nasty riffing, chunky break downs. “My sole existence is to KILL” and so does this song, especially with it’s extended and vicious solo.

8) “BLOODFEAST” -- Eh, read the Brutal Truth section.

9) “Heretic” -- nice rapid fire riffing that’s got a delicious hook, demented breakdown amidst massive feedback.

10) “Burial at Sea” -- 7:40 minute lurching extravaganza. Bonus track, and it shows a side of Grave that maybe you wouldn’t consider. The death metal epic.

11) “Autopsied” -- Now this is true, old school brutal death metal, with tight synchronization between drums and guitars. This one is so to the point, that it’s over before you know it.

If this doesn’t please long time Grave fans, I don’t know what will. I also believe that this disc has the capability of garnering new fans. Fans of both thrash and groove orientated death metal alike. There’s 2 bonus songs to round out Fiendish Regression, one of which is quite a departure for the genre, and this band. I’ve gone back and listened to all the older Grave releases, and I do have to point out the progression in song variety that they’ve achieved. They’ve surpassed their back catalog with the consistent quality and tightness.

Brutal Truth: Without the bonus songs, this would have been a fairly short release with only 9 songs. One of which, “BloodFeast”, I can’t even find anything good to note on. It doesn’t even register with me, what I call a “skip” song. Far too short for my liking. And that’s all the bad that I can find to say about Fiendish Regression. This baby’s built like a brick shithouse, and is my top favorite death metal release of the year.

* * * * ¼
