GRAYSCALE - When The Ghosts Are Gone


Not blessed, or merciful
Apr 11, 2001
Sarf Lundin, Innit
GRAYSCALE - When The Ghosts Are Gone
Sound Riot Records - 2002

By Mark Bridgeman

GRAYSCALE are an example of Anathema-tic Doom mixed with modern Metal sensibilities, done properly, and When The Ghosts Are Gone is as good musically as most of what else is on offer in the 'melodic doom' genre.

From the beginning of the distinctly Anathema-sounding 'The World Today', the sound of GRAYSCALE is established - lush keyboards layered over melancholic guitars and mournfull vocals. The vocals are not always as strong as perhaps the music deserves, but as the disc progresses, they fit in just fine.

It's not all doom and slow, dripping riffs however - 'A Dead Season' has rockier accents, while 'Absent' and 'Cast Aside' are just pure metal rock, with the latter even having a Megadeth feel in the chorus. However 'Shape In The Shadows' is the best example of the huge wall of sound the band are capable of, with perfect guitar and synth efforts.

GRAYSCALE have provided a solid effort that any fans of heavy doom and goth-tinged metal will enjoy. The melodies are encapturing, the music is layered well, and all results in a worthy release.
