Great article on Europe and US history of power metal


Doom On!
Apr 14, 2004
West Burbs of Chicago
Great overview of the differences between US and European power metal.
Also includes rankings of essential albums, which I can say I agree with for the most part.
Very cool article even if I disagree with some of the choices presented
Fine print of first post in thread: "Last edited by Jasonic : Today at 11:39 AM. Reason: remove link "

Jasonic already mentioned ; if you look under the "Articles" link, it's the 5th one down....
Sorry, I actually tried to see if I could delete the thread.
I later found out that this website has some connections to what some might consider to be "less than desireable" organizations.

Therefore, I didn't want anyone to think I was supporting or promoting this website or any organization affiliated with it.

As mentioned above, the original site is listed if you care to seek it out.