Great interview with Cadaverous Condition now online!


So when I posted this, I had completely forgotten that I'd done one of the mini-interviews with the band earlier in the year. All the talk of the album didn't ring a bell...

So I ransacked my box of demos without packaging (those that have full packaging get put on the shelf with the rest of the CDs)... and saw why I wasn't connecting To the Night Sky stuff with what I'd heard all those months ago... what I have here is "finished album promo 2005" with an image of a solar eclipse on the cover. All quite different, but revisiting the music, yeah, it's pretty damn good!
I'm still confused with that music, as it is not really the area where I come from. Still, I somehow connect to it, which proves that quality has nothing to do with genres. This band has a point, even with primitive death rumbling and odd acoustic strumming.