Great metal band logos - Help with MySpace layout.

Erik Monsonis

Nov 18, 2006
Mexico City
Hi all!!

I have the great luck of having a great singer that's also a great graphic designer!

So, were remaking our MySpace design, as it really sucks right now.
See what I'm talking about:

We're doing some quick drafts, and working on a logotype. My singer has made the background images and I'm doing the title.

This is what we've done today.

We're working with Nicolas (pifos_2) from Forced Evolution who's making all the code (yes, we are HTML retards in my band).

My request: I've seen millions of awesome MySpaces but can't remember half of them now I need to get ideas, so, PLEASE, post some MySpace links that you think they have an awesome design!

anything by d-dub, that guy makes awesome designs.

check out gojira, eyes of a traitor, vs akira etc

Definitely great artwork , but Eyes Of A Traitor's page doesn't work properly in FireFox (you can't see the top of the music player - I have the same problem on Gojira's) or Opera (the bio section is floating and half disappears off the left hand side of the page).

The design looks good but the logo looks kind of low-def specially around the edges. Try using a better resolution for the image and make sure that your source is bigger than your final image, also always export your image in a good quality/weight ratio format. Also I think that the bevel and emboss effect may be a little generic and overused :p, event though it suits the design. Check this, this, this and this effect for a different approach.

The songs are really looking good, I'm pretty sure your band is gonna rock Spain ;-)

PD: pifos_2's bands logo is a good example too. look really cool.
I`ll write it in spanish for a better explanation.

Mi sugerencia es que al logo le quites el efecto de bevel, lo que se ve como que el logo esta inflado, dejalo totalmente plano, y tal ves junta un poco mas las letras, el logo no esta nada mal ,pero puede verse mejor, la primera D, tal ves podrias estirarla un poco mas hacia arriba, o sea que queda mas alta que ancha, asi podrias hacerla un poco mas grande y el fondo D la de podria llegar tan bajo como L grande. pienso que se veria mejor :)
it will look a lot better with a dedicated banner rather than the name sitting on a black background. And the red in the outer glow of the text doesn't match, it should be brownish like the rest of the image. Matching colors is REALLY important on any kind of layouts.

you will also have a much easier time with borders rather than fades. I personally think the borders on the first image look the best on this, but you would have to make them exactly the same (they look like a bit different as they go down the page).

And whenever I make a myspace layout It is 1600px wide and 1400px tall. If what you posted is going to be your final size then you better start over. This is so it will fit any screen resolution without repeating and making it look bad. If you program it right, people with small screens will just see less, and the people with large screens will just see more of the background.

Thanks to everybody for the input. We're going to use a new non-beveled logo.

Do you know any other good myspaces??

Also, if you remember some great logos, symbols, post them!! I need to get ideas from everywhere!

Best wishes.