Great metal band logos - Help with MySpace layout.

It's a little hazy, and it's just my personal taste but I don't like contouring on logos at all. The background and such is sweet though.
not to thread jack but does anyone know anyone who does this sort of thing for free, my bands layout is verging on embarrassing
even html gets you nowhere...
myspace code is an language of its own (a very shitty one :Puke: )

To be exact MySpace uses CSS.

From wikipedia :
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a style sheet language used to describe the presentation (that is, the look and formatting) of a document written in a markup language. Its most common application is to style web pages written in HTML and XHTML, but the language can be applied to any kind of XML document, including SVG and XUL.

not to thread jack but does anyone know anyone who does this sort of thing for free, my bands layout is verging on embarrassing

To be honest I don't think you'll find someone to do it for free, because it's fucking time consuming. You'd better start learning to do it by yourself or ask me to do it for cheap ;) My best work to date is my band :
have you ever done an myspace design?

not in ages...Has it changed?

HTML and css....that's what I remember using. ..... div overlays and such
Of course photoshop aswell, but you use html/css to implement what you make.

"You may enter HTML/DHTML or CSS in any text field. Javascript is not allowed.
Do not use HTML/CSS to cover MySpace advertisements."
-taken from myspace itself.
not in ages...Has it changed?

HTML and css....that's what I remember using. ..... div overlays and such
Of course photoshop aswell, but you use html/css to implement what you make.

"You may enter HTML/DHTML or CSS in any text field. Javascript is not allowed.
Do not use HTML/CSS to cover MySpace advertisements."
-taken from myspace itself.

yeah, but in my opinion that code that you have to do there don't deserve the name css or html. corrupted codebase horror in my opinion, redo myspace from scratch ^^
hm i don't agree. it's pretty simple I think.

every font/text has a style sheet. you change the colors, size and font. then you can place images, background, and placing images is a really really basic thing.

thats really basic CSS/HTML, when you know the Myspace style sheets of course.
hey dude how do you code the top part or a div overlay if you make the site in photoshop and export it via slices, do you just slap the code up there? with a /div overlay
hm i don't agree. it's pretty simple I think.

every font/text has a style sheet. you change the colors, size and font. then you can place images, background, and placing images is a really really basic thing.

thats really basic CSS/HTML, when you know the Myspace style sheets of course.

yeah, but its no fun if the layers get mixed up. we had some problems, were the ad wasn't clickable in opera (or ie?)
hey dude how do you code the top part or a div overlay if you make the site in photoshop and export it via slices, do you just slap the code up there? with a /div overlay

basically, I've seen 2 ways to do it.

there the way I do and the way the Killswitch profile is done :

i also wanted to ask you, you wrote about how you do the code in DreamWeaver. I'd like to know a bit more..

you have PM.
Layer Palette > Blending Modes > Outer glow/inner glow would soften the logo's edges up to get rid of the pixelation. Doesnt need to be overdone to work well. A slight addition of a gradient would help the logo out imo....maybe at 10-20% opacity. The metallic/shiny version is better, I think. You could add a small stroke edge to that version to make it more visible without adding to much.

Really off-topic here

Et Al, what`s you avatar??

New idea. Rate it!
the "Dan" part looks great but the rest seems badly shaped. The final M looks good too.
Why don't you try using normal characters for the middle letters and leave that big D and M how they are right now.

Looks better than before overall ;-)

PM me the logo psd and the font (if used) if you want and I may give you some ideas
I still don't like how jagged the text is, especially the second D, but maybe that's just me wanting it to be all antialiased and smooth.

Yeah, I have to agree - to me, it looks like you sloppily cut out stencils with a razorblade for silkscreening or something