Great zombie movies that aren't so well known

Dead Snow +1

Dance of the Dead - Ehh it was ok

Dead Alive +1

The Zombie Diaries ( waaaaaaaay better than Diary of the Dead ) - Totally aggree

Fido - it was ok

Flight of the Living Dead ( seriously, sounds lame but is a great flick ) - More funny then great in my opinion but good none the less

Grindhouse: Planet Terror +2, great sudo B-movie

Shock Waves - Fave of mine

Night of the Creeps - 80's zombie flick at its best, Its got cheese, it goot blood its all good

Lifeforce ( though I guess they are space vampires, not really zombies. Thought they look like zombies ) - dont forget the HOTT naked chick !!! +10

Quarantine - Sucked

REC ( the original version of Quarantine ) - Probably one of the best zombie films ever

Added my comments above
I Drink Your Blood

Satanic Hippies roll into town, rape a girl, and dose her grampa with LSD. his grandson gets pissed and feeds them meatpies laced with blood from a rabid dog, obviously turning them into flesh craving maniacs who's bite turns others the same. perhaps not zombies in the strictest sense, but they certainly behave like zombies, also kind of a strange name as there is no actual blood drinking in the film, but its from 1970 so i guess they just wanted a catchy title. nudity, satanic ritual, and pretty damn good gore considering when it was made.
I Drink Your Blood

Satanic Hippies roll into town, rape a girl, and dose her grampa with LSD. his grandson gets pissed and feeds them meatpies laced with blood from a rabid dog, obviously turning them into flesh craving maniacs who's bite turns others the same. perhaps not zombies in the strictest sense, but they certainly behave like zombies, also kind of a strange name as there is no actual blood drinking in the film, but its from 1970 so i guess they just wanted a catchy title. nudity, satanic ritual, and pretty damn good gore considering when it was made.

it was good, if we are going to consider Life Force then for sure this is a Zombie flick
That one is one of my favorites, but this one is by far the most fucked up and unsettling one.

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Ooooh yeah that was REALLY cool. Another one that I could hardly bear to watch was Imprint. Japanese torture in excruciating detail.
I guess this can be our new "zombie talk" thread.

Just read about this movie: ZOMBIELAND

I mean, it doesn't look that great, but then I went to IMDB and saw on the cast list:

Bill Murray ... Zombie

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