Greater of Two Evils


Mar 13, 2002
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Yikes! I never thought I'd say this...but I now think a Bush era album sucks. I feel so cold inside for thinking that.:ill:

Anyhoo..hope everyones doin' good I don't get on the net much anymore that I actually developed a social life.:cool:
this album is great for me,i havent listened to a belladonna record for years,lets face it the older songs sound so dated,this really freshens things up and saves digging out the old records ever again
to me, bush's voice sounds strained on some tracks, like he's hurting hitting the right notes.

also rob could have learnt the solos better. quite disappointed with his performance tbh, as i thought he did some cool shit on WCFYA. ah well...
i think rob did great,he wouldnt have had that much time to learn the solos note for note,its good there a little different,bush sounds at his best when he is doing his natural thing.
probably if some solo is different it's because Rob liked it better this way

i think it's great to hear those songs with some variations, otherwise it would have been like a best of, while it something more.
ye he's really weak on some tracks and you can tell he doesn't know what he's playing.

errm what do you mean not enough time to learn the solos?! he's been in the band for almost 2 years now! so he should know them by now!
I agree and disagree on certain points.

John does stress a bit on certain notes (first thing to pop into mind is the verses of "Madhouse") but he more than makes up for it with the balls out screaming he does. Nothing is effective enough to not make me wanna listen to any particular track.

And I gotta say, Rob kicks Dan's ass on just about every lead, improving on every sour note struck in the old versions. And the fact that he doesn't shred every chance he gets shows that he is a true musician, and not just a lame show off. Leads should be incorporated when they compliment the music, not just thrown in to make it "more metal"...
I got the album this weekend, and other than seeing my handsome face in the booklet (I'm the fool screaming), I am glad I have a John Bush version of all those old songs. I think his singing is better and simply more real than Joey's. After listening to it, I did think at times I prefer Joey's part on this, but overall (and this is the only time you will hear me say this EVER), I am a Bush supporter.

As for the quality, it was a bit disappointing. One thing everyone must keep in mind though is that many of the songs were recorded in one take live in front of 50 Thraxholes. So if you think about it, its a live recording. John is not going to hit every note perfectly, Rob is not going to do every four finger pulloff sweep in his solos. But nonetheless, I thought John's voice sounded great, but the drums are a bit unbalanced, and the bass a little low. The guitars sound like good live guitars. Actually the guitar sound quality reminds me of Shadows Fall's Of One Blood album.

As far as Rob vs. Danny, they are two totally different types of players. If I said off the cuff, who is more technical, I would say Danny. He did some crazy crap, but it did not always sound good. It sounded uninspired at times. Its great that he can play a G# diatonic minor 7th scale and then quickly switch to a C# Dorian, but that does not always make a solo. Sure Rob slurred and wahed out some notes, but he's a pretty damn good guitarist...even back in his Fordham Prep days. ;-)

Overall, I recommend people to buy it. Whether you are a big John Bush fan or not, there will be at least one song that you find sung better. And even so, just support the band!

Looking at the CD booklet picture also put a simle to my face because it reminded me that Frank wore a Third Rail T-Shirt at the show, which was a club in The Bronx that my friend's uncle owned. Awesome...
i don't post here normally, but felt compelled as an old time Anthrax fan ... this is a real lame release. I like Bush ... singing his own songs ... but lets face it Joey had personality, and a very unique voice. Bush makes all these old tracks sound generic. These re-recordings are really lame.
I don't like it much either. WCFYA is possibly my favourite Antrhax album, but I think TGOTE is pretty shit really. "Madhouse" without the laughing intro? Fuck off.
And Rob's leads are not as good as Dan's. Come to think of it, Joey's vocals (on these songs) were better than John Bush's.
yeah... why give the songs a fresh sound? why not re-record every song note for note so we could just have the same old stuff?

OF COURSE Bush is going to strain singing some of the shit. joey's style is naturally very polished and higher. Bush is lower and gruff and sings with his balls out there.

i'm suprised no one has bitched about them NOT holding out the one chord in the pre-chorus of "caught in a mosh". i mean, after all the version on "among the living" isn't the one on TGO2E.

worst thread ever.
here are my thoughts. bush sounds like his voice has gottena little rougher over time and he doesn't sound like he can hit certain notes as easily in single takes anymore. is this a bad thing? no, not necessarily. joey had a very good voice, but it did not have the aggressive feel that john's voice does. i like bush's voice better. certain older songs that should have sounded a little meaner didn't because of belladonna's voice. vocally he was competent, but he didn't sound angry. i really notice this when i liten to the persistance of time album. knowing the band's history, at the time that record was made the music was much more pissed off and aggressive than their previous efforts. belladonna's voice just didn't quite fit the mood.

now my $.02 on rob. he is a great player. attitude wise he really kicks some songs in the ass. he changes the solos on just about every old song, but al he's doing is adding his own twist to them. personally i like what he does. dan was and still is a teriffic guitarist. i never got to see them live with spitz in the band which sucks. he was a perfectly competent musician, he just didn't fit into the band personally later on. rob seems to fit in better that way.

in conclusion here are some final thoughts:
john bush - rough, but clear voice + cool attitude=good anthrax frontman
joey belladonna - cleaner, nicer voice + cool attitude=good frontman for himself
dan spitz - great guitar player + different personal views from scott=i'm leaving anthrax
rob caggiano - awesome player + similar personal views=i'm gonna join your band and produce you, that sound good?

basically i think they are all good at what they do and all have vertain strengths and weaknesses and that's cool with me.
Steve M said:
worst thread ever.
That was goddamn harsh.:err:

It's growing on me, but I just don't like Robs playing on this one. The opening solo in 'Madhouse' is just retarded sounding. Forgive me for I didn't jizz my pants on the first listen.

Me likey the bonus track though.:Spin:
wow this is the worst thread ever just because we are discussing and analyzing the new album from a band we all love?!

i don't mind the fact rob changed the solos. that's all good. but not at the expense of the solos sounding worse than dan's, which most of them do.

btw- i actually thought on POT joey's voice fitted in the best out of all the joey albums...
max said:
wow this is the worst thread ever just because we are discussing and analyzing the new album from a band we all love?!

i don't mind the fact rob changed the solos. that's all good. but not at the expense of the solos sounding worse than dan's, which most of them do.

btw- i actually thought on POT joey's voice fitted in the best out of all the joey albums...
I'm not analyzing, I'm giving my opinion. My opinion is play the fucking song like it was originally recorded. Don't "change up" or "put his own twist" on shit.
And I'm sorry I posted a thread that started a discussion about the fucking band. Holy shit, discussing a band on thier own BB. OMFG!:OMG:

BTW, be glad ppl still give enough of a fuck about Anthrax to bother discussing wether or not they like a new (old) release...
I hear ya, man. And you having a different opinion is totally cool with me, as I hope it is with others. Obviously if everyone thought this release rocked, then there wouldn't be much diversity in the conversation here, would there?
I completely get what you're saying. I for one am for changing things as time progresses. It's like covering a song and changing it to fit more your style. Since it's the same band, they had to update it in a way that fits where they are as a band now, which is much more influenced by the slower paced, dirgey metal as appossed to the fast as fuck trash days.

And I thought Scott did the opening lead in Madhouse?