Greatest Music Video of All Time?

This album is a serious trip. Just downloaded ($8 on Amazon). "Highlights" so far are his covers of Space Truckin' and of Iron Man.

File under: whatever category you put that Pat Boone album in. Fans of the genre will appreciate it.
I want those six minutes of my life back.

OK, it *was* funny, but people are paying money for this? Wow.

It is the musical equivalent of MST3K. Except the listener plays the role of Joel, or Tom Servo. (There's a genre of album, the celebrity train wreck. Some folk collect them, and listen to them on occasion. The Mae West Christmas Album gets lots of play in my home during the holidays. Try not to judge.)

This isn't going to knock Arch/Matheos or the new Myrath out of my cd player, but it is still a hoot of a concept album.
Try not to judge.

Not judging...spend money as you wish. My statement was simply surprise.

To me, there are too many *great* CDs I want to buy (but haven't) for me to even consider buying a CD like this just because it's somewhat funny. I'd listen to it once, laugh some, then it would collect dust. Some people might think it hysterical and listen repeatedly. Different tastes, different priorities.