Greatest song(s) of the 70's


Active Member
Jan 20, 2004
Behind the mist.
(i can't find an mp3 right this moment, but this is the original song)

Seriously, can you listen to this and NOT start dancing? IT'S SO DAMN GOOD! +32523525325 cool points for anyone who actually knows what the song is about (an equally DAMN GOOD story)

haha, that song rules.

I can make a huge list for this thread along with samples if need be. Ans since, Im stuck at home with no car for my fucking vacation, I think I shall in a bit.
Well my favourite is "Wheels Of Confusion". Especially the last 2 1/2 minutes...this is where all music began and ended.
5 random favourites

Scorpions - Fly To The Rainbow
Edgar Broughton Band - Evening Over Rooftops
Sir Lord Baltimore - Man From Manhattan
Dust - From A Dry Camel

and of course....

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Some good ones:

Captain Beyond - fuck, which one is best? i don't know
Black Sabbath - Black Sabbath
Comus - Drip Drip
and about 7 million more
Quite possibly!
I'm just listening to a live bootleg from '73 (also called Frozen Over) in which they play all kinds of good stuff... why wasn't I alive for this?
definitely a good call with the Musical Box, cool video too. there's a better one on Youtube where Gabriel is younger. better sound/visual quality too.

edit: damn yoooooz yooootube, none of these vids I have been linking are working whenever I check back on them so I keep switching it to something else. *gives up and hopes for the best* *meh, switched in lower quality working vid*
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