
Steph Harris

Maidens' Bass
Hi Everyone,
Sorry I've been away a while. I got back from Greece shortly before our last show and I'm still not quite caught up with things.
I had a great time in Greece and went all over the place: Athens, Corinth, Mycenae, Epidaurus, Delphi, etc., I saw the Corinth Canal, the Beehive Tombs, Lion's Gate, the monasteries at Meteora, the remains of Agamemnon's palace, and much more. A couple places I went to that some of you history /war buffs (Archmagician and Kerry :) ) may find particularly interesting are Thermopylae (the site of the battle of Leonides) and Marathon (where in 490 B.C. 10,000 Athenians defeated more than twice that number of Persian invaders). I took several pictures but still have yet to get them off my camera and onto my computer. Soon....
Steph Harris said:
Hi Everyone,
Sorry I've been away a while. I got back from Greece shortly before our last show and I'm still not quite caught up with things.
I had a great time in Greece and went all over the place: Athens, Corinth, Mycenae, Epidaurus, Delphi, etc., I saw the Corinth Canal, the Beehive Tombs, Lion's Gate, the monasteries at Meteora, the remains of Agamemnon's palace, and much more. A couple places I went to that some of you history /war buffs (Archmagician and Kerry :) ) may find particularly interesting are Thermopylae (the site of the battle of Leonides) and Marathon (where in 490 B.C. 10,000 Athenians defeated more than twice that number of Persian invaders). I took several pictures but still have yet to get them off my camera and onto my computer. Soon....


The Spartans are my homies! hahahha...actually its true...My ancestors and relatives are all from Sparta. They live up in the mountains in a village called Longanikos. When I took my father to Greece we drove up to Longanikos and hung out with our relatives (who we didnt even realize lived there). It was one of those "WOW" experiences you have in life to meet people from your family tree who could explain your roots to you.

Speaking of the battle of Thermopylae, that is one awesome battle!

Persian Messenger: "But you don't understand, we have an army of archers that can blot the sky with arrows..."
Leonidas, the Spartan King: "Then we will fight in the shade.."
Persian Messenger: "Our King will spare you if you lay down your weapons"
King Leonidas: "Tell him to come and get them from us..."

300 Spartan warriors vs 200,000...The Spartans kill about 20,000 before being overwhelmed!

Go, stranger, and to the Spartans tell
That here, obedient to their word, we fell.
Wanda you sure have your history down. The only thing I can think of when Greece is mentioned is .........Yanni.

I need to broaden my horizons!!.
You’ve been there at least twice, that’s cool I’ve been to Italy a few times, it was alright, cause I went to Rome, Iscia Island, Capri Island and that kind is stuff.. Yea Bon Jovi was at the next hotel over once during the festival at Napoli.

Okay doing the old ruins and places is what you just got to do in Greece; otherwise, you wouldn’t really be traveling at all, would you?

Anyway, I won’t tell you my Grecian joke, because I don’t want to spoil your memories…
I'll bet Athens was really nice, especially after the cleanup for the Olympics? My folks wanted to head out there this fall but weren't able to get the tickets they wanted. I probably would have tagged along too. But I'll probably be saving up for an extended trip next year and Greece/Turkey will be on the list I'm sure.
Steph Harris said:
Hi Everyone,
Sorry I've been away a while. I got back from Greece shortly before our last show and I'm still not quite caught up with things.
I had a great time in Greece and went all over the place: Athens, Corinth, Mycenae, Epidaurus, Delphi, etc., I saw the Corinth Canal, the Beehive Tombs, Lion's Gate, the monasteries at Meteora, the remains of Agamemnon's palace, and much more. A couple places I went to that some of you history /war buffs (Archmagician and Kerry :) ) may find particularly interesting are Thermopylae (the site of the battle of Leonides) and Marathon (where in 490 B.C. 10,000 Athenians defeated more than twice that number of Persian invaders). I took several pictures but still have yet to get them off my camera and onto my computer. Soon....

how did you like the manasteries in meteora ?
i went there 3 year ago.a lot of +++energy
Nemesis_lxix said:
how did you like the manasteries in meteora ?
i went there 3 year ago.a lot of +++energy

The landscape of Meteora with its rock-top monasteries was breathtaking. I actually went inside only two of the monasteries: Varlaam and St. Stephen's. I enjoyed looking at all the artwork, the many icons, and the panoramic view outside. The painting of St. Sissios in front of the skeleton of Alexander the Great was most memorable - a symbol of worldly vanity and the inevitable destiny for us all (death). Really makes you think about things. It seems that the people who live there have a very peaceful existence...and you are right about the positive energy.
Steph Harris said:
The landscape of Meteora with its rock-top monasteries was breathtaking. I actually went inside only two of the monasteries: Varlaam and St. Stephen's. I enjoyed looking at all the artwork, the many icons, and the panoramic view outside. The painting of St. Sissios in front of the skeleton of Alexander the Great was most memorable - a symbol of worldly vanity and the inevitable destiny for us all (death). Really makes you think about things. It seems that the people who live there have a very peaceful existence...and you are right about the positive energy.

Yeah ! I go hunting in a place near and I always stop at a lower point of the mountain which is less hard to reach. The view is great ! Still I’d love to go to the monasteries agein.
Archmagician said:
Another beautiful view in Athens is that monastary turned into a restaraunt which is on top of a mountain. I think the mountain is called Livitakos? or something like that. My dad and I went up there to eat one night.
What's the name of the restaurant? I went to a place called "Memories" which was on top of a large hill or mountain. I had a great view of the Acropolis. I'm wondering if it's the same place you're thinking of.
For the Life of me I cant remember. The last time I was back in my Homeland was in 1997! :(

I gotta get back there again, and practice my Greek which admittedly sucks right now.

Archmagician said:

The Spartans are my homies! hahahha...actually its true...My ancestors and relatives are all from Sparta. They live up in the mountains in a village called Longanikos. When I took my father to Greece we drove up to Longanikos and hung out with our relatives (who we didnt even realize lived there). It was one of those "WOW" experiences you have in life to meet people from your family tree who could explain your roots to you.

Well I'm not sure if I should be proud of my heritage or If I should be ashamed of it. With a last name Like Stottlemyer it's not hard to figure out that I'm german. So I sway to the Cherokee side (what little of it I have)

Great to hear you enjoyed Greece Wanda. I've yet to make it across the pond but I plan to vacation in Europe in A few years. I want to take a few months and see it all. Germany, France, Sweden, Norway, Alstria, England, Scottland, The whole works. Matter of fact I'm looking to retire over seas. Don't ask me why cause I don't know I just think it would be cool to retire in Europe
Greece is the word... :lol: Sara, you always come up with the funny quotes!

I was in Greece for 4-5 days during/for the last Olympics. I even brought my Red Shirt so I can snap a photo wearing it at the Olympic Stadium. But, I blew and forgot to do that !@#$ Oh well. The only touring I did was go to the Acropolis - that was awesome! One thing I do remember is that the women were absolutely gorgeous!