Green Carnation - excellent deal


May 25, 2008
Just an FYI, you can download the entire album of Light of Day, Day of Darkness (which is only one 60 minute song) for only $0.99 at Just got mine, and it is incredible!
If I didn't own it already, I would get that in a heartbeat. It's too bad the band broke up, they were one of my favorites. I'd also like to recommend A Blessing In Disguise and Acoustic Verses, both are amazing albums.
Excellent band. Speaking of which, anyone who doesn't have Moonsorrow's Chapter 5 Ravaged(Hav e titty) it's on Amazon for only $1.99. MP3 album. I think it's their best yet.
I already have that but I picked up Earthless - Sonic Prayer for $.99 a song (2 songs) which is a great deal. Hell, this thread could turn into a place to list cheap costing mp3's!