Green Carnation PPUSA performance moved to 2023


franks n steins
Nov 6, 2013
From the Bossman:

It is with utter sadness and resignation, I must announce Green Carnation have been forced to withdraw from ProgPower USA XXI. With the delay in starting the visa processing due to the pandemic, along with the new festival date in June, we do not believe there is enough time to process all visas within the band, Both the band and I also believe paying the expedited processing fee in this specific situation is not a guarantee for success as well. Green Carnation is now confirmed for the festival in 2023.
A replacement band will be announced this Friday.

Thank you,


Glenn's announcement is here:
Just goes to show how messed up the visa system is if over seven months isn't enough to get things straightened out. Sadly, I'm guessing this won't be the only act that might have to back out/postpone due to visa issues.
Our FB page is public...should not be locked if you click the link.

Email me if problem.

Thanks for posting the news here! I got busy and completely forgot.

These last couple of years have to have been the most challenging of all your festival years. Thanks for keeping the festival going.