Greeting From Fabulous Las Vegas!

Air Raid Siren

Maidens' Vox
Apr 26, 2004
My City Of Angels
Just wanted to drop in, say hi and let ya'll know that I'm thinking of ya here in beautiful and HOT Las Vegas! Not a lot of time to post here on the boards especially cuz all I have is dial up access. :yuk:

I'll be here at the Orleans thru Sun (4500 W. Tropicana) with the Bruce Conte band so if you're in the neighborhood and in the mood for some R&B and blues come on down! We start around 9:30 and play forever! (Warning : the first set is usually kind of on the lighter side so if you really want to hear the band dig in I'd recommend coming a little later. :p )

You suck. Actually I'm just jealous because I'm stuck in LA and not having fun in Vegas. Although it has to be hotter than hell there at this time of the year. I'll be there right before Halloween though which should be a blast.

I can't wait for the Rust Festival to roll around so I can see you gals. I saw you all long time ago but that was back when Jenny was the singer. Actually that show was in Vegas (or Henderson) come to think of it.

Hope your gigs go well this weekend.

Air Raid Siren said:
Just wanted to drop in, say hi and let ya'll know that I'm thinking of ya here in beautiful and HOT Las Vegas! Not a lot of time to post here on the boards especially cuz all I have is dial up access. :yuk:

I'll be here at the Orleans thru Sun (4500 W. Tropicana) with the Bruce Conte band so if you're in the neighborhood and in the mood for some R&B and blues come on down! We start around 9:30 and play forever! (Warning : the first set is usually kind of on the lighter side so if you really want to hear the band dig in I'd recommend coming a little later. :p )
Hehe. Bet you had a blast. Wifey and I were down in Vegas on July 19th...hottest damn day in history there. So much for the site-seeing. We just stayed in the cozzy AC world of MGM Grand and lost about two bucks or so at the end of it all.

If you ever find yourself heading Salt Lake way, drop me a line. Would love to see some of your other stuff.
Hope ya had a happy Birthday Hobbsey! Too bad our scheddy's didn't coincide, eh?

Small world, huh, Danny? Tell your dad to stop by and say hi next time I'm there! I'd visit him but when I'm in Vegas all I do is sleep and sing, lol!
Air Raid Siren said:
Tell your dad to stop by and say hi next time I'm there! I'd visit him but when I'm in Vegas all I do is sleep and sing, lol!


Are the places that you sing in Vegas smoky? Smoke does not bother some people, but personally I feel horrible the next day and just want to sleep alot after being in a smoky club all night ( and I don't even drink alcohol anymore ). California residents have it great that it is a state law that smoking is not allowed in bars etc. The city of Minneapolis recently enforced a no smoke law but now they are thinking of reversing it. NOOOOOOOOO !!!!!!
nlukes said:
Smoke does not bother some people, but personally I feel horrible the next day and just want to sleep alot after being in a smoky club all night ( and I don't even drink alcohol anymore ). California residents have it great that it is a state law that smoking is not allowed in bars etc. The city of Minneapolis recently enforced a no smoke law but now they are thinking of reversing it. NOOOOOOOOO !!!!!!

I absolutely adore the no smoking law in CA. :worship: Only wish it was enforced in all states. It's the only part I am not fond of when we tour the Pacific NW. I always get bronchitis due to the second hand smoke there. :erk: But the people make it all worthwhile. :grin:
Doodoobubbachuck said:
It's the only part I am not fond of when we tour the Pacific NW. :erk: But the people make it all worthwhile. :grin:

Oh, Linda! This has been a touchy subject here in the Puget Sound rock community! A no smoking ban was passed in Pierce Co.(Tacoma)last year, but then repealed early this year. Reason being the nightclub business suffered big time! Some clubs even went out of business! This was real bad because most of the cover bands here are based in Tacoma, as well as most of the clubs. There are no Top40 Rock bars in Seattle at all! Only all-original ones. However, a no-smoking law is being considered in the state legislature, and maybe on the ballot in Nov. I don't smoke, but I'm not gonna put any of my musician friends out of work because of it! Just let 'em know it bothers me, and they usually repect my wishes. All the clubs need to do is ventilate the room or get those smoke-eating machines put in. Those help me out alot! Hey, it's the people, the scenery, and the clean air that keeps me here(not to mention the cheap rent, lol)!
Doodoobubbachuck said:
I absolutely adore the no smoking law in CA. :worship: Only wish it was enforced in all states. It's the only part I am not fond of when we tour the Pacific NW. I always get bronchitis due to the second hand smoke there. :erk: But the people make it all worthwhile. :grin:

I am sorry to hear that you suffer from bronchitis after being exposed to second hand smoke. Especially since your ferocious drumming is the same as what an athlete endures. Secondhand smoke just gives me headaches and makes me tired the next day. Now I realize that people are having even a harder time with the smoke than myself.

Yes, I agree that the no-smoke ban is a Catch 22. There are not any easy answers on this since many rock music fans like to smoke and drink while they enjoy the music of bands in niteclubs. Without the fans that smoke, the musicians do not have as much work.............BUT......Ok, I will drop this subject now because I know it is going to start arguments with some people.