Greetings Fellow Metalheads!

Rascian Warrior

New Metal Member
Apr 1, 2003
Visit site
Hey, how is it going guys? I'm going to be brief on this one....

My favorite bands are Megadeth, Slayer (and all the rest of the good bay area crap), Iced Earth, Sodom, In Flames, Death, Nile :rock: <--- this is great.. etc. Recently, I've been getting into Swedish bands like Opeth, Dark Tranquillity and others. You'll see me asking lots of questions about albums of certain bands..

That's pretty much it..
Ask questions about Opeth - Morningrise. Go on. Try it. Ask. :grin:

[edit]Just don't ask me how to type it correctly first time, okay?? :blush: [/edit]

Welcome to UM!! :wave: Enjoy the forums. :)