Greetings from Jena, Germany! on a little break between soundchecks! Nice to see the guys from Denmark here, thanks for coming to the show and yes the club did catch on fire
The show in Leipsig last night was at a really interesting venue - Hellrazer -a festival site and a location completely dedicated to metal! great sound and great fans.
The show tonight is looking great, the promoter is expecting 500-700 people, the sound system is killer and we're just can't wait to get on stage.
I'm uploading some photos and the webmaster should be posting them shortly.
Greetings everyone!

The show tonight is looking great, the promoter is expecting 500-700 people, the sound system is killer and we're just can't wait to get on stage.
I'm uploading some photos and the webmaster should be posting them shortly.
Greetings everyone!