Greetings From

My name is Waysted i am part of the small yet dedicated group of Metalheadz that banded together to form a internet radio/site.We play Metal tunes (all genere's) 24/7 plus do live shows on Friday and Saturday Nights.We also have Cd reveiws,Mess. Board,email group etc.
We are grassroots,not looking to take over the world rather to share our love of Metal with those that do also.
Check us out
"Spreading Our Disease...One Byte At A Time!"
Cheers Waysted
We have just re-disgned our website...added new shows...Headbangers Ball (80s Hard Rock),Sonic Homicide(Death/speed/thrash) running 3 times daily)... the Metal Observer Show,plus LIVE show on the weekend..more cd reviews,contests to come soon,message board and chatroom...we are interactive and into METAL !!! what a combo :headbang:
Cheers Waysted said:
My name is Waysted i am part of the small yet dedicated group of Metalheadz that banded together to form a internet radio/site.We play Metal tunes (all genere's) 24/7 plus do live shows on Friday and Saturday Nights.We also have Cd reveiws,Mess. Board,email group etc.
We are grassroots,not looking to take over the world rather to share our love of Metal with those that do also.
Check us out
"Spreading Our Disease...One Byte At A Time!"
Cheers Waysted