Greetings from the Buckeye State


New Metal Member
May 27, 2012
Hey all,

New to the boards. HUGE metal nut!

I also play guitar and write songs in my free time.
I wanted to register on these boards in hopes of finding some vocalists to work with on my tracks.

Here is a link to my soundcloud page. All the music posted is my original work.

Im into almost every sub-genre of metal honestly. As a musician I can find inspiration in just about anything.

Right now I am listening to a lot of the new Impending Doom album, Animals as Leaders, Oceano, and a few others. If you happen to know of any underground bands along those lines hit me with some youtube links! I am always looking for new awesome bands / artists to check out!

Cant wait to meet all of you! Thanks for checking my thread out!
Now off to surf the epicness that is